2337 Words

When Overkill said that, my gut wrenched. I wasn’t the only one afraid. Night Soldier and Shade tensed, while Nigel put his hands on his cheeks in shock. “Permanently?” Nigel said. “Is that even possible?” “Shh,” said Shade, holding up a finger to her lips. “Video isn’t over yet.” Shade was right. The camera turned back toward Overkill, although he picked up the jar and held it by his face for all to see. “Even without seeing any of you in person, I can sense the skepticism,” said Overkill. “The dream of the Guardians of Humanity has been to bring down supers to our level, to make them our equals, so we may kill them more easily. Yet until now, no one has ever figured out a way to permanently remove the powers from a super. The closest person to do that, ironically, was a super known

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