2702 Words

Impossible,” said Jake the next morning, sitting next to me at the breakfast table. “No way they came up with a cure before us.” Jake said that while looking at the same Neo Ranks article I had read the night before. Although the article was only four paragraphs long—more like a press release—Jake had spent ten minutes on the first paragraph alone, giving me his commentary on the impossibility of its claims as he read. “It looks real to me,” said Courtney, sitting across from us, playing with the remnants of her eggs on her plate. “Granted, I’m not a neogeneticist, but I spoke with Chase about it and he seemed to think it was legit.” “So did Professor Hernandez when I called him this morning,” I said with a yawn, “although he said he was waiting to hear back from Mr. Sycamore for more

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