1989 Words

My eyes widened in surprise. “Nigel is Stinger’s son? I didn’t know that. I didn’t even know Stinger had a son.” Stinger was another superhero friend of Dad’s, who he had met as a teenager in the Young Neos. I’d met Stinger a couple of times, but only whenever we visited Hero Island. I didn’t know him all that well, aside from knowing that he was one of the NHA’s leaders and one of the most well-known supers in the country as a result. “It’s true,” said Night Soldier. “Nigel is Stinger’s only son.” “Are you telling me that Stinger used his influence in the Academy Board to get Nigel into the Academy?” I said. “More or less,” said Night Soldier. “You know that the Academy Board is aware of your condition, right, Ashley?” I nodded slowly. “Yes, I know that. What about it?” “Stinger us

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