1123 Words

“What the heck?” I said. “Nigel, did you do that?” Nigel, who had stopped screaming, looked at me in confusion. “I guess so.” “What do you mean, you guess so?” I said. “I thought you said you only have three powers.” Nigel scratched the back of his head. “I did, but now I guess I have four or something. His name is James, by the way.” The giant cricket, apparently named James, flew into the air. It immediately started devouring all of its tiny brethren, tearing through my netting and devouring thousands of crickets at once. I gasped. “Now it’s eating the other crickets?” “Yeah,” said Nigel, though he sounded slightly hesitant. “I wanted to summon a bigger cricket that would eat all of the other crickets. So I did.” “I … what?” I said. Night Soldier sighed in exasperation, though no

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