2858 Words

Monday, September 13th, 7:55 AM, 2038 … Stepping into the Auditorium, a sense of familiarity washed over me. Per usual, the Auditorium was packed with over a thousand students from every year and Team. No matter where I looked, I saw students talking, laughing, catching up with old friends, and generally having a good time. A few students were showing off their powers, like the second-year boy who caused blades to pop out of his wrists or the girl who was juggling fireballs for the amusement of her friends. And, of course, the Auditorium security officers were trying to impose order on the chaotic mess of students. Barney, the Chief of Security, was going up and down the aisles, doing his best to enforce some semblance of order on the students. He was also helping first-years find plac

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