
1124 Words

-HIM- “The western borders were clear,” I gave my inputs. I had been out patrolling the pack borders for the whole afternoon and evening. Other Lycans present in the room gave their inputs too. It was now dark outside, and I wondered if Corey was back yet. I wanted to see her after a long day’s work and as the meeting rolled towards its end, I was counting seconds in my head. I looked at the time. It was close to eight in the evening. She must have gotten here by now. Unfortunately, the meeting stretched longer than I’d have liked. I was irritated but I didn’t let it show to my face and sat through the most part. I noticed that it had started to rain outside. They may be late due to it then. “Archer!” Javier mind linked me in panic suddenly and I sat up straight. All the Lycans and th

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