~Chapter 2~

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It was not that we were near to being homeless or something. Kent was the fourth caste in Eleta. Kents were seen by the second caste-like Vale as poor people. People from Lyndorrs did the same even though they were just one time higher than us. Lyndorrs was the third caste. Vale and Lyndorr separated themselves from Kent, Euni, the fifth caste, and Ibera, the lowest caste. It was like we had this invisible line between Lyndorr and Kent. Vale and Lyndorr saw themselves as part of Henndar, the wealthiest and the first caste, where the Royal family resided. I hated to admit it but Vale and Henndar were seeing us as marginalized and they were looking at us as if we were slaves. We were selling our housekeeping services to the mansions of the higher castes because they could afford to pay us. We also needed to do a part-time job in the Hotels or Restaurants for additional income. Sometimes, they didn't even pay us because giving and being selfless was innate to Kents. It wasn't for me, though. In my perspective, it was a***e. Our money was budgeted wisely, but it wasn't enough for five people.  That was why whenever there were holidays like Christmas, Thanksgiving, or birthday celebrations, the Warrens would take Dad and Dad would take me, Julienne, and Mom to do a waitress job. We were on-calls. We were only needed for a couple of days and that was all it. But at least, there were times when we were all employed. But due to the changing seasons, our sources of income remain unstable. We're five in a small house and only one person was fully employed. Three of us were on-calls, and the other one was still a kid. And Dad needed to take a break due to sickness. When I think about how bad our situation was, The Choosing seemed like a contract, I would just sign it up, and then our lives would become easier. Mine wouldn't though, because I'd be tied up with the life I never wanted. But at least, I might give the life my family had ever wanted.  I stared at my Mom. She never gained weight. It was as if she was losing a bit of weight as time passed. How would anyone gain weight in Kent? No one. Perhaps gaining weight was just in anyone's genes. Mom's hair was red which I got from her. However, hers had white shiny streaks. There were creased lines on her forehead and on the corner of her eyes which frequently appeared when Dad became sickly. To think of it, she was pretty young for thinking too much. It was as if she had a lot of heavy loads rested on her shoulders.  I knew she was carrying a lot of responsibility. Being a mother and being a wife to Dad. I also knew why she was being more manipulative with me nowadays because of The Choosing. Julianna was gone. And being the second offspring, I replaced her. Mom and I always fought even over such petty things, and now that the birthday of the Prince of Eleta was fast approaching, she became more irritable. She thought of me as being stubborn and absurd, to not even wanting to line up and click that signup button in the Capital Town of Eleta and fill out the form online. As of this moment, thousands of young maidens were there signing up for The Choosing. But there were important things for me. Things that I couldn't give up. Things that might give me the happiness I wanted. And signing up seemed like a push button that would get me ensnared and keep me away from what I really love forever. Maybe what I wanted was senseless. Maybe they wouldn't understand nor would ever understand my reason. But still, it was my life. My family meant a lot to me. But I couldn't just give up my dreams. I did everything I could for them anyway.  Now that Julianna was gone, I became the oldest one left. Julienne was still young. She was not ready to take a job as heavy as mine. Amerie who was five years old did know what kind of life awaited her when she turned thirteen like Julienne. I was doing everything to help my family. I would work in the morning and do homeschooling at night. Julienne had a lot of time homeschooling than me because we wanted her to finish studying to get a decent job.  But if I sign up for The Choosing, none of my hard work mattered anymore. For my mother, I would surely become queen. If Dad didn't buy a television for us, Mom wouldn't be able to see that news about The Choosing. She wouldn't even know that Kents, Eunis, and Iberans were able to sign up.  "Let's talk about The Choosing." Mom said with glee.  I tried to stop Mom from telling them about it but she was too excited and quick to relay the news. No one could stop Mom from doing this and the thing I hated the most was that everyone would surely agree with her. "What is it?!" Julienne shrieked.  "Mom!" I pleaded. Julienne and I looked the same. It was like we were twins. The only thing that wasn't identical was that she got her blonde hair from our father. She was gregarious and encouraging. Ever since Dad bought that television, she was able to watch free movies and that was how she became hopeful with boys in a romantic way. That was why signing up for The Choosing would be much more romantic to her because it was real! "Mom, please tell us now!" Julienne squealed. I bowed my head down. My cheeks were flaming red from embarrassment. Dad was just listening intently. Sweet little Amerie was eating her mashed potato in silence. Mom cleared her throat and went on.  “It was reported on the television from the Capital Town that single women between the ages of eighteen and twenty, full-blooded and citizens of Eleta will have an upcoming opportunity to honor the great kingdom of Eleta." Julienne screamed and went to my side to hug me. "Julie! It's your time to shine! I can't wait to see you on TV with the prince!"  "I know. Go back to your seat before I lose my breath from your tight hug." But she just hugged me more tightly and bounced back to her seat after. I knew this day would come eventually. I had to make a decision now or I'd regret not trying.
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