The envelope

1505 Words

Amira I woke up early the next morning and headed to the training grounds, I feel so much more energetic than before. But Adalyn told me last night that I could not use my powers now for some reason that she is not also aware of and I would smell like a rogue to the rest of the creatures. Even Raymond and Reynold will think I am a rogue which I feel kinda sad about. I want to tell them about myself but I am finding it hard to do so mainly because I am not sure if it's the right decision and in case things go south I don't have a way to protect my self. "We can trust them but I also don't think it is a good idea to inform them now, Adalyn had also been in support of my decision. Mr Wilson was waiting in the training grounds and signaled me to run. I Sprinted the 5 laps without breaki

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