Almost found her

1629 Words

Jared It has been more than two weeks since that b***h escaped from us. Even though I wanted to drag her back and teach her a lesson, the leader ordered us not to mess with the greenwood Pack so I turned my attention to the Alpha king's daughter. I decided to travel to the former Alpha king's Pack which is now headed by his Beta's son. I can not go there just like that so I summoned Maria , one of the witches working for us. "Come to my office, I said over the mind link. Since the leader assembled all of us , we decided to form a Pack and now we no longer living in solitude aimlessly but together with a purpose. And the specialty of our Pack is we are not only werewolves but also the Vampires ,Fae and witches who have been cast aside. The witches created a spell in which all of us

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