Rogue Attack On the Council

2153 Words

Jamie’s POV     I was quickly surrounded by several Omega rogues as I stood under a tree out of the rain. I decide that I need to use my magic instead of letting Zara out. I don’t want the rogues to know who I am exactly. They would try to capture me and take me to Calvin. Also, I needed to stay out of as much danger as possible.     I connect with the tree and move behind it quickly as it kills the four rogues by smashing them into the ground with its branches. I run up to their now dead bodies and take the bracelets off them. The Alpha's back at the manor might need them.     Once I have the bracelets and stand back up. Three more rogues run up, but I’m in the way of the tree now and can’t use it to my advantage. Instead with a wave of my hand, three stakes are made from dead branches

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