Back To The Pack

1466 Words

Jamie’s POV     We had a blast in Colorado, but I was happy to be back home with the pack and our bed. I missed the bed so much I overslept the first morning we were back. We went back to our businesses and pack duties as usual. Cameron was happy to get back to training and updates. We were back to our regular lives quickly.     Finally, I had enough waiting around for answers from Piper and her coven. I'm in my office and decided to call her to get some answers. She answered on the second ring.     “Hello, Jamie. I’m so glad you called me. We finally made some progress,” Piper said.     “That’s great! Fill me in,” I told her.     “So the only way that Calvin can be alive at this moment is through a spell binding his spirit to this world. He has to have a host body to stay here otherw

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