Book 2 Our First Dinner Together

1890 Words
Freddies POV The large wooden kitchen doors opened soon after we all took our seats at the dining hall tables. The kitchen staff was nothing but omega she-wolves that were perfectionists in the food department. Things had to be done just right and nothing was ever misplaced or out of stock. The omega servers started to bring plates out for everyone to begin eating. I watched as Willow sniffed the air trying to figure out what they cooked for dinner tonight. I smiled at how cute she looked sniffing about. The kitchen staff started to make their way to our table with plates of food. The omega that was serving our table tonight was Ashley. She was a tall thin she-wolf with dark brown eyes and blond hair. She was one of those omegas that was desperate for attention due to the fact that she hadn’t found her mate yet. She always made advances and I never gave her any special attention. Almost all the unmated omegas would try to capture my attention or make remarks that would be seen as harassment. I always stayed silent or oblivious to everything they did. None of them interested me. Ashley placed a plate in front of Sean who peeled his eyes off his phone for a second to look over the plate then went back to his phone. James and the rest of the Alpha Family were served next. Ashley then came over to serve Willow and myself. She had two plates in her hands and placed them in front of us, getting a little too comfortable invading my space. That’s when things got interesting. Ashley placed a hand on my shoulder and leaned on me placing her breasts up against my back. She asked in a honeyed tone, “Who’s your little friend, Freddie?” I could hear Willow’s omega growl low in her throat from beside me. Willow would be very irritated if she paid attention to all the other omega she-wolves in the pack until we completed the matting bond. “This would be my mate, Willow. Willow, this is Ashley. She’s one of the cooks' scullery maids,” I said leaning away from Ashley. “Oh,” is all Ashley said as she looked at Willow. I looked over at my little mate to see her scowling at the omega in dissatisfaction. She didn’t like the way she was acting and touching me. I was slightly worried there would be a wolf fight here in the dining hall. Willow was new to pack life so who knows exactly how wild she is. “Go finish serving, Ashley,” I said calmly, removing her hand from my shoulder with the back of my hand. Ashley huffed out and said to Willow, “A mate with no mating mark isn’t a true mate yet.” Willow growled a little louder this time, squinted her eyes and said, “And how is throwing yourself at him working out for you?” I looked over at Willow with a huge smile on my face, enjoying the fact that she was being possessive and fighting for me. Audrey was never like that. This was different and I hope it continues to be different for me. I wanted her to be the real thing for me this time and I wouldn’t settle for less than what I deserved. Ashley huffed again in frustration and walked off to finish working. I took note that the next two times Ashley passed by us, Willow growled again at her while watching her intently. She wanted to make it clear to Ashley to stay away. I chuckled and said, “I think she gets the point, little one.” “I just want to be sure,” she tells me before we start eating our food. I finally looked down at my plate to see what was for dinner. They had made fish tacos tonight. They were always amazing and tasted heavenly. I watched as my mate ate her dinner in delight. She wasn’t starving like I thought she might be and that made me feel better. I had some worries that the rogues might have been underfed while they were there at that camp. “So Willow, do you have any questions about the pack so far?” Meredith asks. “What goes on daily for y’all?” “A lot of things. I help manage the pack and take care of these guys,” Meredith says pointing to the kids. James was eating his food. Well, more like making a mess with his food. The kid was letting the contents of his taco fall out the back as he tried to bite into it. Meredith noticed I was staring at him and handed him a fork. He started stabbing the food that fell out and ate it along with the tortilla that was now empty. Alison was sitting on Meredith’s lap trying to take everything off her plate. This poor woman had her hands full with these kids and Duncan couldn’t seem to keep his c**k in his pants to give her a break. I’ve heard it’s hard to stay away from your mate once you've finished the mating bond though. We would see. “I manage my companies and Alpha pack duties,” Duncan answers before taking a bite of his food. “I go to school and spend time training to be a warrior,” Sean says, still looking down at his phone. He was clearly listening to us but was having a more interesting conversation on his phone. He was always immersed in something going on with the younger pack members. Mostly drama but he was never the center of it. It seemed he was the midigator. “I work on keeping the pack members happy and I make sure they all have jobs,” I tell her. “So there are a lot of opportunities within the pack itself?” “Yes. It’s like a small town, but we still have to travel to a human town for simple things,” I answer. “What will I be expected to do as the Beta female,” she asked looking at me with curiosity in her eyes. I wasn't prepared for her to jump into the role of Beta Female right away. I figured it would take a while before we even got to a conversation about that. She was surprising me left and right with the person she was. She was proving to be very different and that’s what I needed. I took a breath to answer her, realizing I was taking too long to speak. “The Beta female helps with planning events and things of that nature,” I say softly. “It will be amazing to have someone help me out finally when it comes to planning pack events,” Meredith sighs out. “I can’t wait,” Willow says smiling happily at Meredith. “Perfect,” Meredith says with a smile. “Does James ever help you with planning,” Willow says looking at James with a smile. James looks at her with wide eyes and says, “Only when I get to lay siege to the ice cream drawer in the kitchen.” The ladies start to laugh at him and I just smile and shake my head. He is a cute kid but a pain in the ass most of the time. He reminds me of his dad when we were younger. If he was anything like his dad he was going to be a she-wolf killer until he meets his mate. When we were all done eating, a different omega came to get our plates. This one was one of the quiet ones that let all the looks she gave do the talking for her. As soon as she got close to us she started staring at me like all the she-wolves normally do. I hear Willow growl at her for the way she was staring. I couldn’t help my smile and I softly chuckle at my precious little mate. She was being very possessive and it was unfortunately turning me on. She seems like a wild wolf that needs to be tamed gently because of all of the growling she was doing. I would tame her in time and be very gentle with it I might add. The omega collecting the dishes quickly grabbed the plates and averted her eyes away from me. She was more submissive to Willow’s growls than Ashley was. I hope all the she-wolves don’t make Willow run off because she isn’t willing to deal with it until we mate. Once the dishes are gone, we all make our way to our residents for the rest of the night, saying goodnight to everyone along the way. I hope next time we eat in the dining hall the kitchen omegas behave better. ————- Willow’s POV Meeting the Alpha’s family was nice. I really like Meredith and the kids. I can tell we will be good friends already and have a blast working together. I’m also looking forward to any of the Beta Female duties I will have. Freddie seemed shocked when I asked about it. I took note that the other omega she-wolves in this pack need a reality check though. Freddie was my mate and they had better stop throwing themselves at him. He didn’t even seem to notice them, only how I reacted to them. Did he ever pay them any attention, or was this new for him to ignore them? Freddie and I leave the packhouse to go back to his home for the night after we eat dinner. We walk in comfortable silence down the pathway while holding hands. I decided to talk to Molly about what happened at dinner. I don’t know enough about mates and having issues with other she-wolves. Not having a pack until now has kept me from knowing what life with other wolves was like. “Why were all those females staring at my mate and throwing themselves at him?” “Because he’s an extremely handsome unmated Beta male. All those she-wolves that were staring and making advances were unmated also.” “What can I do about that?” “Until you two mate and complete the bond this will continue to happen.” “But will he really want us?” “You will have to talk with him at some point to make sure, but I don’t think he would have brought us home to his pack if he didn’t want us.” “I guess that’s fair. Did I react harshly towards those females?” “No. You needed to let your presence be known and show him you're interested. Since he was forced to reject his first mate because she didn’t want him, he needs to know you want him.” “Ok. Do you think he is broken and cruel?” “Broken but not cruel. I think he has mended himself as much as he can and will need us to help mend him the rest of the way.” I end my conversation with Molly as we walk up to the house's porch and step through the front door.
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