Book 3 Two Steps Forward

2320 Words

Alex’s POV I took a deep breath smelling lavender all around me and moved slightly in bed as my alarm screamed for me to wake up. I felt the bed jolt violently at the sound. I rolled towards my alarm and turned it off with a groan before looking around the room. The light was barely starting to come through the glass door of the balcony, meaning it was time to start the day. I looked to the other side of the bed to find Zoe sitting up and looking over at me. I’m sure the sound of my alarm was a bit abrasive and scared the hell out of her. “Sorry about my alarm,” I told her. “It’s ok. I’m not used to anything like that,” she tells me. “I didn’t even think about that. I’ll change the sound so it’s not so abrasive.” I grabbed my phone and changed the sound to something that was light

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