Book 2 Visiting Hunter's Moon

2865 Words

Freddie’s POV Today I am taking my beautiful mate to visit the Hunter’s Moon pack to look at the village. To be honest I needed to see it also. I hadn’t been to the village at Hunter’s Moon yet, just their packhouse. I had been to other packs towns before. All of them were similar in some aspect. Willow and I had just finished breakfast and I was sitting in the living room in my favorite pair of blue jeans, a white t-shirt with a green button down and a tan panama hat atop my head. I was sitting on the couch waiting for Willow to get changed while I played a game on my phone. I could hear her moving around our bedroom and bathroom space. When she came walking out of our room I couldn’t help but smile at her. Every time she came out of our room looking and smelling like heaven it put

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