
1422 Words

Cameron’s POV     We were under attack and I had no idea what was about to happen next. I had guards standing outside our bedroom door as I went off to fight with my warriors. I needed to make sure no one would get to Jamie while she was passed out.     I had Rambo at the North border fighting off the rogues that we’re coming through. I had a trusted Captain at the East border managing that area. I shifted and went to the South border to help defend my territory.     As I’m running to help, I mind-link one of my captains, “SIT REP.” (Situation Report)     He answers, “Twenty are trying to push through, Alpha.”    I reach the border and a young warrior runs up to the captain and says, “three or five have breached the line, sir.”    I look at this dumb assery with amazement exclaiming,

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