Let's Go On Vacation

2064 Words

Cameron’s POV     I couldn’t keep my hands off my mate after her Luna ceremony. We kept close to each other but couldn’t constantly have s*x like I would've liked to, because of work and pack duties. Not to mention the rogue attacks that had quieted down suspiciously, but we kept security at an all-time high and I was always on alert.      From the times we had been able to have s*x I was sure I would leave her pregnant but still nothing. I wanted to have pups with my amazing mate badly. I wanted to fill her belly with my seed and watch it grow. I wanted to see her be an amazing mother like I knew she would be.     I decided on a Friday that I had enough of this, so we needed to get away from the pack and our pack duties to be with one another. Even if it was just for a few days. I lear

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