A New Home

1727 Words

Jamie’s POV     It’s a two-hour drive from my brother’s pack to my mate's pack. My new pack. To pass the time during the drive, Tara and I start a debate about Indiana Jones and his whip. Tara thinks it’s a dumb piece of equipment and I think it’s fun and serves a purpose. Cameron stays pretty quiet during our debate until we have both made our closing arguments.     “It’s actually a practical tool, but some of the ways that it’s used in the movie is impractical,” Cameron says.     “HA!” I say pointing at Tara.     She crosses her arms and huffs in the back seat before taking out her phone to ignore me for the rest of the drive.      “I think we should have an Indiana Jones marathon night,” Cameron says.     “Ooo, yes please,” I say excitedly.     I love being a nerd about movies an

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