Golden Meadows Pack

2011 Words

Jamie’s POV     After the rogue attack yesterday afternoon I was concerned that they would keep popping up in each place we went to give us problems. We would need to stay alert and I would have to be smart about the use of my magic. I would need to rely on others to protect me. I didn’t really like that.     Cameron’s wounds healed over the course of an hour. Most wolves would have taken a few days for them to heal from the bite and the claw marks. Once he was healed I ran my hands over the areas, just amazed at how fast the wounds had gone.     I could sense his arousal at my touch, not even meaning to stir him up like that. I obliged him and gave into his need. So we romped in the sheets of the guest house until it was dinner time. We ate with my family before heading off to bed. I w

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