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The Girl almost f****d up my world. My Jade was so kind and so sweet. I should have known Jessa was evil. False Truth she gave me. I believed my old childhood friend Jessica Rose, but she went by Jessa. I have known her since we were in high school. Would she try to get me alone with her? It was a close call on that?. When was I in New York to be there for my buddy? I was his lawyer. He was getting sued by her that Girl that almost took my Jade away before graduation. Jessica Stane. The Queen b***h that always trying to get in the middle of my relationships. I tried to warn Jake, my best friend from pre-school until graduating college together. I told him she was an evil cunning b***h, and trying to get me to be alone with her. She would make stuff up, and one night it happened, she called me alone, and it was an elevator ride up to the dorms."Hey, Jessa, what's sup. did you go and see Jake tonight.?" I asked her. "Yes, he is doing some math work right now. What you are doing right now.?" she asks. "I am going to go see Jade?" I said with a goofy grin on my face.  " Well, how about come up to my room so I can tell you something," she says. " I really should go and head to Jade's room because I told her I would be there in a little bit. I just got off  the phone with her when you got into the elevator here that we are in now.?" I explained.   I was nervous because I needed to get out of there. Jessa was pushing it on thick that night.  " Oh, come on, we used to hang out when we were kids, Danny," Jessa said with a pout on her lips. "Come on, and I have rootbeer and chips, your favorite kind," she said. " Okay, just because you got me with those two things and you said you need to talk to me about something.?" I mentioned.  The elevator opens up, and she grabs my hand, and we head to her dorm. "Susie is not in there. I asked her to have the room tonight, but I went over to Jake's and your dorm tonight. But Susie said she be out all night. Anyway, come in, Danny. I get the chips and drinks. You sit on the couch. I will be right out." she commands. It sounds like a command now that I am thinking back on it. At the time, I didn't know anything about it. I text Jade to let her know I am with a friend and need to talk. Jade, text back okay, babe... I will be waiting in my room when you get done. I put my phone away when Jessa came back out, and she was wearing some more prevailing on. What the f**k I thought at the time, but like I said about that now. I was so stupid I should know of left-right then when she came out like that.  "Ooh, sorry, Danny, I want to get into something for comfort," she says with a smirking smile.   While I am thinking back on that, I should have known what she was trying to do. " Ohh, so what is that you want to talk about?" I demanded in a firm tone.  "Well, Danny, I hate to break bad news, but Jade was kissing another man last night on the beach?" she says. "What?" I said in a mad shock. "Yes, I am sorry I have to break the news to you. I am so sorry, Danny," she says while sitting beside me on the couch. "No, you're wrong. you can't be serious, Jessa please tell me you're just joking?" I said with hope that it was just a joke." She would never do that. She is a virgin we have been dating for Six Months, Jessa?" I said with hurt in my voice."I love her, and she is the best thing that ever happened in my lonely pathic life. You know I always wanted to found someone that didn't know who or who my family is," I said while breaking down on the couch.  "I know, I know," she says while hugging me around my middle. Then she looks up into my eyes. "But it's true, and I have these," Jessa said while moving around and grabbed something out behind her. They are the pictures in color. Jade on the beach has her arms around some guy's neck, and they are kissing with the sun going down behind them. "f**k, this is bull it got to be. It isn't true. please tell me, Jessa, this isn't true." I demanded. But before she could say anything, I left in a hurry and out the door, and I heard Jessa saying," Don't leave just yet Danny come back," she shouted. Still, I didn't care at the moment. I wanted to confront Jade on this news I just got, and the pictures are in my hands, and I am running towards her floor to her dorm. I get there fast, and I am banging on the dorm door. "Jade open up?" I demanded. "Coming, hold on, please," I heard Jade say. I was thinking she better not have that guy in there with her in her dorm room. Hiding under her bed or something or climbing out of the window and trying to sneak in another dorm room..? I thought of different scenarios for that guy that is messing with my Girl behind my back. So I got angry and started to bang on the dorm door. So I  kept on banging on the door. I was in thought and thinking back when I called my mother. I wonder if she knew who I was or who my family was.  In the beginning, when I sit down with her? I thought to myself. But damn, I love this Girl. I was so happy to spend some alone time with her finally in her dorm room. All the other times, we never got to be alone because of her roommate, and our friends would always be around with us. We were never really alone, and tonight we were going to watch a movie, and I was going to propose to Jade tonight under the stars while we took a stroll down towards the beach. I just wanted to pop the question for weeks now. I even called my mom up for her engagement ring. She was like. " Danny, are you sure you are making a rash decision about this son," she said on the phone. "Yes, mom, I love her, and I want to marry her," I said back on the phone call to my mom. "Okay, son, I will have Larry, the driver, bring it to you by the end of the week, okay," she says. "Thanks, mom, and I know this is the one for sure," I said. "It's a shame you don't have Jessa as your Girl. I am happy for Jake. I see him with someone else like Susie," Mom says. "Nope, Jessa and I are only friends, and besides, she loves Jake, and Jake loves her," I said. "Okay, okay, you got me there, son. I guess I will let you go. See you this weekend at grandpa's mansion, darling. Tootles Love you ." she says. "Love you too, mom," I said back. Damn it while I was thinking. I was going to introduce Jade to my parents and close friends, and family. She opens it up with her hair wet. "Dan, hey babe, how did that talk go with your friend.?" she asked me with a big smile on her face. I love that big smile she only gives me. But not the time to get goofy and happy. It is time to confront the woman I loved since I first laid my eyes on her. I know it was too soon, but when you see, you know. I used to be into Jessa, as I was thinking while waiting for Jade to open up the door to her dorm. I thought, wow, Jake has it good and a wonderful girl. She wears slutty clothes. I was a little uncomfortable when she changed her clothes into that tonight, but all well, I talked to her about it later.  After I get done having the worst talk of my life with Jade which I will end things. I don't want to get hurt again or played again. Jessa was the Girl of my dreams when we were younger.  I used to wish to kiss those lips when we were younger, but not anymore, though. I have my Jade, and she is a perfect and unique woman. I had ever met. I first laid my eyes on her when she walked towards the library and looked up and around. My heart stops. I fell hard and that day. I was going to go and find out who she was. Jake is the one that told me who she was. He is the President. " End Of FlashBack. "Jade, did I ever tell you a time that I am so sorry. I broke it off that one time," I said while holding her in our bed. We just got done making sweet slow love that was driving my wife crazy with need.  She kept begging. "Please faster and f**k me damn it," she whispers. So I finally gave in and f****d her hard and fast. "Yes, you have, and I can't believe you would take the number one slut on campus side?" Jade demands. "I was blinded for so long by her real intentions and who she was, baby. I am so sorry I never will doubt you again," I said while kissing her head.

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