Chapter Two-2

1939 Words
Paige’s legs almost went out on her. She was the goal this woman sought. She was the prize. Maybe thinking they were going to get more trouble from Paige, the men carried her the rest of the way to the coffins. Once there, a strong pair of arms enwrapped her shoulders while the other man spread her legs wide. “Hold still,” the hooded man who held her hissed. “This is for your own good.” This time the injection went off without a hitch. The man who wielded it gently spread Paige’s vaginal lips and slowly pushed a catheter deep inside. Once satisfied it was in far enough, the man motioned to the last coffin, and Paige was hoisted up into it. The catheter tube was plugged into a hole just below her feet and just in time too. Already Paige pissed in fear. The inside, while padded, resembled more a tiny hospital bed with rough linen. The strong, wide straps that came up through slits in the padding belonged more to a car seat and were cinched down on her upper arms and wrists then her legs and ankles too. Paige squeezed her eyes shut while the straps went on. Why? Why did they have to transport them like this? As if from another mind came the answer. Efficiency. Put the cargo to sleep, no need to feed them, no danger of escape attempts. Just send them to dreamland until needed. Simply efficient, like the bindings placed on her. The straps were tight, no movement allowed at all except for her fingers, toes, and head, but it wasn’t her they were restraining. No, not her. Again that strange, detached euphoria overtook Paige. Another couple of straps went across her hips then her chest. One was placed over her head, forcing her to stare up at the stars. Then little square pads, dangling from wires in the coffin’s lid, were stuck to her chest, arms, and temples. Cold at first, they warmed due to her body heat. Warmth continued to spread throughout her, safe in the womb warmth. Oh, now the lid was going down, stopping less than an inch from her nose. Bolts locked. Can’t move much in here. That was okay. So sedate, so calm. Everything was just fine. Dimly, she heard shouted orders and responses. Paige sensed movement about her and the rumble in her own container as she took her turn on the conveyor belt. There go the stars, now replaced with red cabin lights. Too bad, they were so pretty. Now all she could see was the inside roof of the cabin. How did this whole thing happen anyway? It didn’t matter. She would meet her fate soon enough. In a rush, the jet’s twin engines took over everything in a sustained release of power. A sharp incline upwards, followed by a bank to the left. The wheels went up at last. How far were they going? How long did she have to stay like this? Eyelids heavy. Can’t keep them open. Stay awake! Something told her to stay awake. She caught a shadow on the ceiling. Fuzzy. Can’t focus. It was all slipping away. Was that really the woman pilot that hungrily stared down at her? Stay awa... *** The air flowed over Paige, like a warm, life-giving breath. It coaxed her back to reality and tempted her with the promise of a bright, carefree day. Paige opened her eyes. There was the red sun just above high, sheer mountains. The growing light shone like the first dawn of a new world. Wait, what was that marring the idyllic view? A ten feet tall wire fence with barbed wire on top. The barbed wire was angled inward making it impossible to climb. A faint hum told Paige it was electrified, a subtly reversed siren song to keep everyone away. “Beautiful but deadly,” said a voice behind her. Paige jumped up and spun around. A woman in a long, blue negligee regarded her. The warm breeze picked up a lock of her short, brunette hair and swept it over one eye. The hair was impatiently brushed back. She was older than Paige, late twenties perhaps, with small breasts and wide hips. Behind her, on the dark green, short-clipped grass of the enclosure, were two other women just waking up. One was Black Dress. The other had long, light brown hair and wore only a white bra and panties. She was closest in age to Paige but still older. They all had one thing in common. The coffins’ wide strap marks were still plain on them. Apparently, they had all just been released. Paige rubbed the remaining sleep from her eyes while trying to make sense of it all. Why not keep them bound, unless the electrified enclosure had a different kind of binding placed on them. Was this now home sweet home or some kind of new head game? Paige studied her wrists and lightly traced the indentations. Strange, Robert never tied her as tight as this. He was always so careful, so cautious not to permanently hurt her. Tighter, tighter, she would always beg. Do it tighter! Don’t let me think I remotely have a chance to get away. Paige, at last, got her wish. She wasn’t going anywhere. No one said anything for a long time as they all gaped at their new surroundings. “Anyone know where we are?” asked Negligee. “The mountains, you i***t,” responded Black Dress. Negligee stepped toward her. “Thanks a lot, jet setter. That really narrows it down. Any more keen observations?” They glared at each other. Paige was afraid a fight was about to break out. The stress of their collective ordeal already threatened to make them turn on each other. The woman in the bra and panties fought to keep her voice calm. “What I want to know is what are they going to do with us? Kill us?” “Not when you’ve been sold,” Paige said. The other women stared at her. “Sold?” said Negligee. “You can’t be serious,” said Bra and Panties. “I saw the money,” Paige said. She narrowed her eyes. “My boyfriend did it.” The three women paled. “No, I refuse to believe it,” protested Black Dress. “My man would never—” “You’re here, aren’t you?” said Negligee. “He must have. Mine, too,” she quietly added. “Will you both stop it!” said Bra and Panties. Her voice edged in panic. “How’re we going to get back home?” Paige pointed at the enclosure’s gate. “Maybe she can tell us.” Just beyond the gate were four hulks of bare-chested men. In front of them stood a tall, deeply tanned woman. She was dressed in a sea blue sarong while dark, auburn hair fell about her shoulders. A thin, leather choke collar and small, leather bracelets were her only accessories. The electrical power cut off, and she pushed the gate open, striding inside. Her movements carried a supple grace while her voice contained a cultured, British accent. “Welcome to Valhalla. I’m sure you’re all wondering just how you came to this pass and how you’re going to get out of it. Suffice it to say, some people have invested heavily in you, and they want a good return.” “Good return?” asked Black Dress. “f**k you, you b***h!” She lunged at the woman, nails extended. A mob mentality overtook Negligee and Bra and Panties as they also dove toward the arrogant newcomer. Paige tried to hold them back. No, don’t! That’s exactly what they want. Stop! Instantly, three of the four men cut them off, wrestling them to the ground, pinning their arms behind them. Paige’s eyes met the fourth man’s eyes. Just try it, she read in them. Go ahead. I’m daring you. Paige stayed put. It was too late for the other women though. Each one was leather cuffed and muzzle gagged then their legs brought up behind them in a stringent hogtie. Their heads were roped to their ankles, keeping their chins well above the ground. Their eyes tracked the tanned woman as she strode in front of each one. “I am not ‘You b***h’. My name is Milady,” she quietly said in a tone full of menace. “One of our rules is civility of tongue. If you don’t want your time here to be any rougher, Susan Langley, remember that.” Black Dress’s eyes widened at the mention of her name. “Yes, we know who you are.” Milady turned to Bra and Panties. “As we do with you, Lorena Cruz, and you, Kerry Simpson”, this to Negligee. “And of course, Paige Hendrix. You all don’t think you were randomly selected, do you? Each one of you has demonstrated a predilection toward bondage. Out of the many candidates we tested this past year, you four were deemed worthy candidates.” The women tried to speak from behind their gags. Only Paige could form any coherent words. “Worthy? You’ll understand if I question your judgment.” Milady stared at Paige with a smoldering fire in her eyes. Paige didn’t want to ignite it. “But still,” Paige quickly went on, “I guess the only way out of here is through you, isn’t it?” The danger seemed to recede in Milady. She slightly nodded her head. “Your file stated you’re adaptable. It’s nice to see that’s true. But to answer the question, I’m not the one you have to impress. Only when you’ve learned your lessons will you earn this,” she lightly touched her collar. “So, class, what was the first lesson you’ve learned today?” It was up to Paige to answer since she was the only one who could. What was the answer Milady was looking for? Don’t call her names? Don’t challenge big men to a fight? No, just a little too obvious. This was going to be an ongoing situation where subtle mental agility was just as important as physical capability. She had it. “You let us walk free, at least in here. But it was just a trick, and you took it away.” “Yes,” Milady said. “Go on.” “Any freedom we’re given is but an illusion.” A grudging respect formed in Milady. “Very good.” “And our slavery?” “That is as real as you want to make it.” She looked down on the bound women. “As do you all.” The restrained women made angry noises. Milady made a tiny, dismissive gesture with her fingers. “Give them to Anya.” The men blithely picked up the women from the rope that connected their hands and feet. The pronounced bows in their backs made them squeal, but the men didn’t pay any attention. They swung the women at their hips and disappeared over a small rise. The last one remained behind. “Leo, Ms. Hendrix will accompany us,” Milady said. She gestured at Paige’s wrists. The man, Leo, came forward, dispassionately encircled Paige’s wrists with thin but strong cuffs and tied them together. “We never let the old bondage marks fade before putting on new ones,” Milady said. “A constant reminder for a slave.” Slave. The way she said it made Paige realize that this wasn’t a quick, two-hour romp between the sheets with Robert. Slave. Never let the old marks fade without putting on new ones. She was led out after Milady. They topped the rise. Below the rise sat a large, log cabin style house. Four long wings extended out from a central atrium. The three men disappeared inside the nearest entrance with their charges now quiescent as they passed all the outdoor torture equipment and a few women who were already strapped and spread onto them. But what held Paige’s attention were two figures at the entrance, one was a tall man and the other was a woman. As they got closer, Paige thought she recognized the woman. The pilot? Yes. Her hair was up. A change into a hard shell of a short, black leather coat and tight pants spoke of her authoritative position. Milady bowed her head. “Master Taylor, Mistress Julia, you honor us with your presence. I assume Mistress Anya is already going over the new stock?” “She couldn’t wait,” Taylor said. He studied Paige. “But she’ll be disappointed she missed this challenge. It’s been a long time since someone made it from the compound to here on their own two feet.” Julia possessively grabbed the lead from Leo and drew Paige close. A curious mix of detachment and sensuality emanated from her. “She may have walked in, but she’ll learn to crawl,” Julia said. “She’s mine now.”
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