The First Primordial

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Dave had a calm demeanor as he kept looking at Joshua. "Didn't he hear what I said?" He thought to himself. "How can he be so lackadaisical about the effects of a Primordial entourage, he certainly is very ignorant, I am gonna enlighten him a bit." Dave rolled up the sleeves on his right arm. "J, if we are going to be up against a Primordial entourage, it isn't something we can just head in blindly." "Whatever do you mean?" Joshua asked Max who was on the ground had already gotten up to his feet. "This," Dave said as he showed his right arm to them, " look directly above my forearm, that's my Primordial birthmark, all reincarnated Primordials were born with one." "A fading scar?" Max asked puzzled. "What a f*****g i***t," Joshua thinks to himself. "What?" Dave says as he quickly brings his arm back to his eye level. "Sorry, the wrong arm," he says as he rolls up the sleeves on his other arm, just directly above his elbow was a crescent moon shape, it was grey. "So it's true," Max said, he had a bewildered look on his face. "I have heard so much about the Primordials, the first beings to ever exist, they bestowed entourages upon the others, and not only that, they are responsible for the workings of the entire multiverse." "Finally, someone knows his stuff," Dave grinned. "What are these guys talking about?" Joshua thought to himself. "J, I know you must be getting confused right there over what this is and what we are talking about," Dave interjected his thoughts. "It's like this, according to the fables, the four Primordials were born out of one supreme being, they each had a certain ability which enabled them to rule all of creation which almost all fables agree on that it was at least a multiverse, the four Primordials were like siblings, they had a falling out with the eldest amongst them, it was an intense battle that affected all of creation, in the end, all was destroyed but the four siblings still remained, in other to restore everything to normal, the three good siblings, the one with the crescent, lunar eclipse and diamond sign came together, released a burst of energy that was strong enough to de-power the sibling who went against them and jump-start all of creation but it came with a price, they lost all their abilities which allowed them to dominate over creation, worse more, their bodies got reincarnated and they have been continually born into weaker forms, my sign right here is proof, I am a living incarnation of the crescent Primordial." Joshua knew he had to keep his guard up, Max who was behind him had left, he now stood beside Dave, he could see black miasma gathering around Max, almost like his entourage was about to form behind him, even Dave too had a tense look, it was almost as if the two were up for a fight. "I knew you was lying from the first time," Joshua finally spoke. "You claimed you were not friends with Max but yet you guys kept showing each other body expressions that denoted fondness, even at certain times, Max interjected and that's only possible if there's a degree of familiarity between you two for him to know the exact time you would stop talking." "Whatevs," Dave replies. "You should know the reason why we two have gathered to fight you, the effects of the average entourage is capable of altering a person, city, country and at most, a continent but a Primordial entourage is far more powerful, it can affect all of creation with each application, like mine now enables me to skip through time altering the energy of the entire multiverse itself, the only reason why I am immune to whatever entourage is causing everyone to forget Eva is cause I have a Primordial entourage, then you too must be one of the Primordials, you are not a stranger to deception, you could be the villain behind the shadows trying to trick us by playing pretend." "You have trust issues, don't you?" Joshua had a maniacal smile. "I am sure you had your Mom take a DNA test to prove she was actually the one who bore you through her w***e-like vagina." "You disrespectful child," Max bit his lower lip as his entourage fully materialized, it was about to dash towards him but Dave held his arm to his chest as if to stop him. "Don't bait him," he said. "J is clean, I said what I did in the last attempt to figure out if he was the reincarnated evil Primordial, if he has reacted some other way, he would have confirmed my suspicions but he didn't, he's clean and he really doesn't know how to unlock his entourage." "You i***t!!" Joshua gritted his teeth. "Like I don't know how your illusion ability works," he turns as if to run but Joshua felt an overwhelming force suddenly lifting him above the ground, he struggled to free himself but he felt an arm grab his neck as it pinned him to a wall. The illusion crumbled and pinning Joshua to the wall was Dave with a confident grin on. "You acted too late," Dave smiled at him. " Max had already put you in an illusion from the moment you saw me, it's inevitable for anyone not to get comfortable, your problem was that you started suspecting when you saw Max coming beside me but you were already in the illusion long ago, we left everything as it was, even Max had never left your side, you were just deceived into thinking he had." "You dumbass!!!" Joshua gritted his teeth. "Don't be pained," Dave continued. "You are obviously one of the Primordials, I just need to ensure you aren't a wolf in sheep's clothing, there are already enough tyrant entourage-users out there," Dave motioned over to Max. "Will you do the honors?" "He still deserves to be hit," Max muttered. "One who can not respect the elderly must be taught a lesson." "Yeah, but he could also be a potential ally," Dave answers. "Though I highly doubt that but one can never be too sure, if he's the enemy I think him to be, we can easily beat the s**t out of him once we's done." "Alright, you are the boss," Max said as he moved towards Joshua, his entourage formed directly behind him, it dashed over to him as it ripped off the numerous accessories that Joshua wore on his left forearm just directly above his hand. Dave's grip around his neck loosened as he saw the sign, even Max couldn't hide the shock on his face as he staggered backward. Joshua realizing this quickly pushed Dave away as he dropped to the ground. "What's so surprising?" "I don't believe it, how can?" "Your sign," Max said. "It's the one of the first of the siblings..." "You mean this," Joshua pointed to the brightly colored golden diamond-like shape directly above his hand which extended 4 inches. "Had this s**t for as long as I can remember, it always felt weird." "It's the mark of the First Primordial!!!!" Dave shouted. "It's a non-shocker," Joshua smiled as he began to feel himself. "I am the J, I always come first." Joshua seeing that he had the admiration of Dave and Max even if just for a moment decided to press it. "You promised to teach me how to summon my entourage." "Ooh that," Dave said, still in awe. "Very easy, close your eyes, you would see a faint shape with a different color in the phosphene, focus on that, it should cause your entourage to form." "I didn't see Max close his eyes before his formed." "Just trust me," Dave answers. "It's the only way first timers are capable of releasing their entourages." "Alright," Joshua said as he closed his eyes, he could see flashes of light but he peered deeper, he noticed a strange silhouette, it was very faint amidst the flashes of light, he peered deeper as if to touch it and almost immediately, the silhouette disappeared. "What the f**k, did you just play a fast one on me?" Joshua said angrily as he opened his eyes, he could see Max and Dave stare at him or really, they were just staring in his direction but beyond where he was and the look of amazement on their faces, even more intense. He looked back and standing behind him was an outlandish blue figure, it had a small diamond about 9 inches long etched on its forehead like that of Lil Uzi Vert, on top of its head, it had falling dreads like J-Cole, it had an extremely muscular and well-built body with rubies and other precious stones adorning its chest and lower belly, the entire body was bare and brightly colored blue, it had whitish eyeballs with a shade of deep-sea blue as it's pupil and it stood over eight-feet tall, it was truly a sight to behold. Joshua for the first time in his life was lost for words. "Is that my entourage?" He finally manages to speak. "Yes," Dave replied. "And it even exceeds my expectations, I knew the entourage of the first Primordial would be insane but even I didn't expect this, this is beyond glorious." "Where's the switch?" Joshua asks. "Entourages are the ethereal manifestations of spiritual energy and soul essence, it's like a thought, you can easily initiate it whenever you want," Dave replied still bewildered at the mighty stand. "Great," Joshua smiled, and almost immediately, the entourage which was behind him disappeared, He turned and muttered a few words, almost immediately, the engine of the vehicle roared to life and began to drive towards him. "J! Where the hell are you going?" Dave shouted at him. "You promised to follow us to find Eva, where the f**k are you going to?" "Calm your balls down, you overgrown child," Joshua scoffs. "The words of the J are sacred, it will always be kept and fulfilled, I never said we'd find Eva, I said I was gonna find her, I have to pay a visit to Vin, I still haven't forgotten how badly he whooped my ass." "You mean Vincent," Dave now had veins showing on his forehead. "And why the hell do you want to beat him, the entire issue was your fault, you took advantage of his girlfriend while she was drunk and you still had the guts to send him the video, the s**t trended on even snap for a while, who wouldn't be pissed? You were clearly in the wrong, what right do you have to sleep with another man's girl?" "Are you asking why I f****d her?" Joshua had his most demeaning smile. "I did it cause my d**k fitted better in her p***y than he." Dave and Max now had puzzled expressions on their faces. "What The f**k!!!" they both said at the same time. "I am just gonna pop over to Vin's side real quick, beat the son of a b***h, then we go over to find Eva, I have got a lead," Joshua said as he entered into his vehicle, immediately he did, the door closed as the vehicle sped out of the car park. "Do you think we should follow him?" Max asks. "Obviously," Dave replied him. "J doesn't know the power of an entourage, from the exterior make-up of his one, his one is most probably short-range, those ones have extremely offensive power and beyond LS movements, he might not just kill Vincent, there's a chance of him even destroying the entire f*****g planet if he doesn't control it." "I am not too much on cars," Max says. "But his vehicle is the Rolls Royce Phantom 2021 model, it's capable of exceeding 150 miles an hour and going from 0-60 miles an hour in under 5 seconds, it's been over 7 seconds since he moved." "You are forgetting something," Dave had a sly grin on his face. "What?" "J isn't the only one with a Primordial entourage," he answered and as he spoke, a purple miasma began to cloud over Dave. "I too am a Primordial, and in all fables, the Crescent Primordial has always been stated to have the fastest entourage of all siblings." The Rolls Royce phantom 2021 drove as fast as it could along the road, it was whizzing and overtaking other cars as it kept moving along, the windows were all wound up and they were tinted disabling anyone from being able to see who was inside. All of a sudden, Dave suddenly appeared before the car, Max was directly beside him, as he appeared, his entourage had immediately become a cloud of purple miasma, it was done too fast that none could notice how his entourage appeared like. Max's entourage suddenly appeared, lifting its right leg, it brought it down on the bonnet of the car bringing it to a standstill as it came to an abrupt stop. "Get your subhuman selves away from my ride," came Joshua's voice from the car. "J, I know your ego would not enable you to forgive anyone," Dave begins. "But you don't know what your entourage is capable of, a long-range entourage with low offensive capabilities can easily obliterate buildings, yours can do exponentially far more, take mine, for instance, I had to disperse some of the momenta that mine was moving with to another galaxy and the force brought about by the momentum so powerful it actually caused a star to go hypernova, if you don't stop now, we wouldn't need to find Eva anymore cause she would be dead." "Get your subhuman selves away from my ride," came Joshua's voice again from the car, Dave and Max had a puzzled look as they quickly looked at each other before turning their attention back to the car, Max's entourage moved over to the driver's seat, with little effort, he ripped the door away, Dave and Max came to the side where the vehicle was ripped of and they couldn't help but be annoyed by what they saw. There was a phone on the driver's seat which was on record, it kept repeating 'Get your subhuman selves away from my ride.' "That insolent brat," Max bit his lower lip as he saw the phone. Joshua stood before a small mobile home, there was a taxi behind him which immediately sped off, he was about ten meters away from its position, the mobile home was surrounded by trees, it was far away from civilization, and it was a sore sight to look at. The area surrounding it was not taken care of, there were a few broken beer bottles, cans, snack wrappers and torn clothes lying on the ground. "Max ain't the only one who can pull off an illusion," Joshua smiles to himself. "After all, the eye is the key to misdirection," he grins as he approaches the mobile home. FLASHBACK(To explain what happened). Once Joshua had left the school's compound and he was pretty sure he was out of view from Max and Dave's view, he had given specific instructions to his vehicle to keep going around the city and had deliberately left his phone in the driver's seat to keep replaying the voice note, he then highlighted and took a taxi. BACK TO THE PRESENT. "No one knows where Vin's new house is, at least, none of the students" Joshua smiled to himself. "I too wouldn't have known if not for our last fight, Vin had promised me he was going to hurt any girl I loved cause of what I did to his ex, he wasn't his school today as usually he skips assembly and comes to his usual spot where I looked for and couldn't find him, that puts him amongst my suspects, I will just have a...." KRAAAAAANNNNNNGGGG!!!!! came the sound of the only window in the mobile house which broke and out of it fell a 194 cm tall muscular red-haired boy, he was wearing an armless and track pants, he landed on the floor unconscious, he bled from several parts of his body especially from his face but Joshua tried his best not to let the surprise show on his face, the person on the floor was none other than the person he had come to beat, it was Vincent. "Sometimes, I wonder why my luck is so f*****g shitty," Joshua mumbles to himself. "The bastard that I came to beat has already passed out," he got annoyed as he clenched his feet. "I just have to show whosoever mother fucker denied me my chance of revenge a good ass-whooping." The door was suddenly kicked open and out of it stepped a slightly taller bald man of 196 cm, he was dressed in a brown top and small khaki pants, he had a scar on his face and he wore an evil grin. "You irrelevant maggot!" Joshua barked at the figure who just stepped out of the mobile home. "Were you the one who denied me my chance of revenge?" The bald man's grin even deepened as he laid his eyes on Joshua, his grin was born creepy and scary at the same time. "What the hell?!" Joshua thought to himself. "Why the hell is this i***t giving me that maniacal smile, it's almost as if it's Christmas for him, the mobile house is quite small so he's obviously the only one inside," Joshua thought as he turned towards Vincent who laid unconscious on the ground. "Though I have to be factual, Vincent is quite strong, he can hold his own against me in a fight and he won the youth USA boxing championship, all boxers must possess good balance on the ground and a strong embrace to their center of gravity so as not to be toppled to the ground easily, for this maniac here to defeat him and throw him out of the window like that, it wasn't due to just brute strength, it's something else entirely." "You know, J," the man began as he walked towards Joshua but when he had reached about a 3-meter distance from him, he began to walk around Joshua like a predator circling its prey, Joshua could feel sweat breaking out of his forehead, something felt familiar and eerie about this stranger and he didn't like it. "I was really annoyed when that i***t congressman just had to pop up and save you, if he had delayed a moment longer, Jolie would have been getting a different Valentine present," he stopped walking. "You in a body-bag, I would have made sure to wrap it nicely." Joshua had a relaxed face but in his mind, he was tensed as f**k. "This is the voice of the bastard I heard yesterday while I saw that pink faggish-looking entourage, he's the one who must have abducted Eva but yet why does he seem familiar, like I have heard his voice even before yesterday, but from where?" "You are still trying to act all cool?" The man smiled and it was then that Joshua noticed that a white mist began to fill the atmosphere, it was just at the knee level and below but it was gradually rising. "Even though you are definitely doomed, the range of my entourage is 15 meters, it's considered mid-range, I had placed my entourage at the far end of my range and intentionally circled you just to make sure you hadn't come with any allies or support, I don't know how you had figured out I was here but from your outburst earlier, I am guessing Vincent did something to piss you off and you are here to exert vengeance, you were able to dodge my entourage's attack yesterday meaning you are an entourage user but the fact that you didn't unleash it yesterday even when you were on the verge of death shows you still don't know how to bring it out..." He stopped as he carefully observed Joshua's facial expression. Joshua stared right back at the man, he tried his best to keep his cool and arrogant demeanor, ensuring never to falter. "Or maybe that's just what you want me to think," the man chuckled maniacally. "Vincent is really strong and I heard he beat you up real bad last week, you are known for arrogance but even more for your intellect, the only reason why you would come back here to exert vengeance was if you thought you now had an absolute advantage that you would definitely win, you found a way to unleash your entourage, haven't you?" Joshua didn't reply, he kept his facade without faltering, he looked at the man with eyes of contempt and as if he was a maggot in comparison. "He mentioned something about mid-range, so all entourages definitely have ranges, why did Dave and Max not tell me about this, he knows about Jolie being my Val meaning that he has been spying on me for a while, the fact that I didn't know means he was actually using his entourage which he must have been hiding at discreet corners so I wouldn't notice, there's a possibility that he might know that Dave and Max are also users, lemme try a bluff, his response would be of use ascertain my uncertainties." Joshua strode towards the man with his most haughty expression, when he had walked a meter forward, he spoke. "For me to be able to unleash my entourage, then you must know I was taught by someone, newsflash, that someone has a long-range stand, he's presently observing both of us at the moment, you are fucked." "Jeez, J," the man chuckled lightly. "I forgot how good of an actor you were, we have been keeping tabs on you, the only people who have any connection to you in your entire life that are entourage users are Maxwell Connor and David Peterson, David is also a Primordial, he's short-range and the other, Mid-range of about 15 meters, same as mine, the congressman which saved your life yesterday was new, Madame didn't inform us about him but from what I could decode from his entourage ability, he's probably short-range. David and Maxwell can't be involved as there's no reception here so no form of technological communication can work, also, I had taken care to meticulously observe these surroundings and there was no trace of Maxwell's entourage meaning he's also not here either as he would need his entourage to look at things if he was going to be of any aid to you." The mist had risen even higher and right now, it was about waist level. "Madame told me it would be dangerous trying to fight you alone when you unleash your entourage," the man continued speaking as a pink miasma began to gather around him. "But seeing how so much you are clueless about entourages, I think I will take my chances, if you think you sustained damage while Vincent dealt with you, you are going to face a lot worse, I am gonna beat the hell outta you." His entourage had formed fully behind him, he wore a maniacal smile but Joshua kept the facade.
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