Chapter 43

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 A small goblin grunted exasperatedly as its head was bashed against by a scarier-looking Orc that was behind him.  The entourage had instructed them to move to the city, the orcs were leading the charge. They moved slow but organized. "That was fast thinking," Dave grinned, his body has been bound to the front of an orc, the orc appeared to be snoring but it still kept walking, he held a pistol in his right arm. Joshua grinned back at him, he too was also bound to the body of an orc in a similar fashion to Dave. The Orc, Dave was attached began to open it's eyes, Joshua shot from his pistol to the creature. A tranquilizer dart hit its elbow, it snored stupidly as it fell asleep. "It's The J," Joshua continues. "I always come up with the best decisions, also that cottage was too obvious, the holes in the ground, too deep. There was no way we would make it back to the top if we decided to hide in there," Joshua stops for a while, then he continues. "You are the video game expert, what would you say is happening next?" "We are moving into the city, that's for certain.  This is usually how it is in most fantasy games, there's usually a cottage located at the outskirt of the main city, which means the city must have boundaries," Dave stops for a while as he looked at the ground carefully. "By game standards, green lush grasses are considered fertile soil, yet, there are no farmers around here, it's due to the boundaries of the city meaning they are currently trying to repel a force. The city would have fewer adventurers and spellcasters." "I think I follow," Joshua answers back as his orc began to yawn back to life. "But I don't think the city would be in a haste to welcome us coming in like this." "We just need to get close to the city," Dave mutters as he shot his weapon in Joshua's direction, a tranquilizer dart hits the orc's head, it quickly slumbered off to sleep. "We need the cover of the orcs from the hag who runs this world. When we are in a certain proximity, we are gonna break out of these ugly brutes, try and enlist with those adventurers. We are going to take care of the demon king as fast as possible, his defeat must hold a key to leaving this world." "I thought events like this use a certain amount of time and quests before we get qualified," Joshua mutters. "I don't mean to intrude or any s**t but with the little I have seen regarding games, that's usually how it is." "If we were players, we wouldn't be able to fight with the demon king now, we'd have to follow a specific storyline, do some quests or reach a certain level," Dave explains. "But we didn't enter this world as players, we are more similar to the game non-playable characters than players. Occasionally in games, the non-playable characters are sent off to deal with the main brutes where they are slaughtered, they just respawn back at the entry point; in this case; the village. We are hidden, we don't seem like players, we are gonna join the next expedition with the ones who'd be going to pay the demon king a visit." Max's avatar(Maxingham) got to his feet, Zenaida smiled from her rhinoceros. He looked at her. A hologram popped up directly above her. ZenKaida578¢. Max was overjoyed as he kept playing the game.  "Zen to is playing," he thought to himself as he quickly put on his headphones. As soon as he did. Another notification popped up. Player ZenKaida578¢ wants to communicate. Y OR N. Grinning sheepishly to himself, Max clicked Y. "Max, wassup," Zenaida smiles. "I am great," Max was blushing like an i***t. "Thought you'd be at a much harder quest." "I was," Zenaida answers him. "But I decided to check up on my newbie friend, wouldn't want him to get eaten by some goblins." "I'd just rebirth back at the city point, lol." "It's true, you can even do that." "What do you mean, lol. Can't you?" "Don't worry about it. We have to got to get the Bandit Bros." "You mean those Dave and J lookalikes, is it a coincidence or..." "I don't know who Dave is?" "Ooh yeah, you didn't meet him, he's like my big brother. I can always count on him for anything, he's the best person I have ever met, you would like him." "I liked him," Zenaida mutters to herself. "You were saying?" "It's not important," Zenaida wore a tense look. "We have to capture them." "What do you mean capture? They were just simple Bandits, they would respawn even if we beat them." "Those kinds don't," Zenaida answers. "They are directly linked to the demon king, how about I show you a secret level that would help us complete the game soon?" "Come on, just started playing this game," Max sighs. "Would love to enjoy it a bit." "You can always do the quests later," Zenaida answers him. "Besides, beating those two will unlock Easter eggs and some hidden achievements." Max's face was lit up. "You had me at hidden achievements. Let's do this." "Grandma has stopped talking to me," Zenaida thought. "There's only one reason for the sudden development. The two must have found a way to get off her radar. What Max doesn't know is that plugging in his headphones will drain his battery faster, I deliberately installed a microchip on it while we were in the store so when it's about to die, I'd be alerted and leave here. Dave and J won't be so lucky but those two can't be underestimated, I have to try and stop them.  They are probably on their way to the city, Dave was quite versed in fantasy and games.  This stands to reason that he and J are probably on their way to Mountain's pass, they must think getting to the demon king is their one way to win this game and get out of here," Zenaida grins to herself. "But what those two don't know is that I am Fortnite's best player, and I have got the most kills in COD mobile, this season at least.  I am going to stop them."
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