Chapter 41

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Dave was observing the hobgoblins patiently, their pattern was linear and quite predictable. They would move for a moment before stopping dead in their tracks, then they would turn and look around. Once or twice, he had caught two or more eyes staring at him, once the eyes laid on him, the hobgoblin would jump in his direction, Dave would then carefully evade the creature, and after the hobgoblin landed. It would resume the pattern it was following earlier on.  Dave used taunts severally to see how they react. "J," Dave begins. "I know a bit about these creatures." "Save it for later, fam," Joshua had his haughtiest smile as he bent to pick the goblin tooth from the ground. "I just got my weapon, also been observing the dumbasses for a while, they move in a quite primitive and unsophisticated manner." "I am guessing you never played much video games while growing up," Dave sighs in his direction. "Video games?" Joshua retorts. "The only game I have been playing for as long as I could remember is the one called life." "I don't think you'd be able to use that goblin's tooth as a weapon, from the little I can observe, we are in a Virtual World with creatures being controlled by a simple coding, that's the reason why they move the way you said." "You think you're saying words but all I hear is blah blah blah," Joshua ignores him as he bends down to pick the goblin's tooth. As soon as his hands touched it, a notification came up in his line of sight.  #GOBLIN TOOTH ATTAINED.# "What the f**k?" Joshua mutters. "J!" Dave shouts as loud as he could. "Look out!!!!" Joshua looked above and coming down upon him was an angry hobgoblin, it was a few meters from crushing him to the ground when a figure in silver armor dashed past him. Joshua and Dave were incapable of seeing the figure, all they noticed was a blur. After the figure had passed, the hobgoblin dropped to the ground but it was in bits like he had been thoroughly minced. "It's not easy," Joshua grins at Dave. "Even without I attacking, the creature still died. Why? Cause I am the J." "That wasn't you," Dave tells him as his eyes focus on a figure which hadn't been with them moments ago. The figure was roughly Six-foot, and its armor gleamed brightly. "I didn't know this game had a multiplayer function," Max was beaming brightly as he played the game. He had seen two human-like characters battling a group of hobgoblins, then he had gone to meet them. "Though they are f*****g under-leveled, and they are dressed like Dave and J." "Thought I was the only one who noticed," Hendrickson who was beside him spoke, his face suddenly took a tense form as he moved to the front slowly, placing his hand on Dave and J's necks, he heaves a sigh of relief as he retracts back. "They are fine, they are just taking a nap." "Whatever," Max smiles to himself as he kept playing his game. "I am Sir Maxinmford of Camelot..." "Sir Maxinmford?" Joshua pats his head in disappointment as he turns to Dave. "Really? Can't he come up with a better name?" "That's Max moniker," Dave replies. "I doubt we can properly interact with him but he can give us a clue to what's happening in this world." "My goal is to find the forbidden trampoline which shall connect me to the skies, there will I find Excalibur. The only weapon capable of harming the demon king," the silver knight continues. "My brave friends," he says stretching his hands. "Will you join me?" "I don't know much about video games," Joshua smiles. "But according to you, this is Max. On a normal day, I wouldn't even trust Max to hold my ice cream but we in a virtual world, I am sure he can manage to protect us at least." "It does seem wise to accept Max's proposal," Dave answers. "For your mind," the face of the Fantasy Raiders' entourage appeared in the skies. "You think you will have a smooth riding from here." "Shut the f**k up, you pathetic and miserable waste of life!!" Joshua screams at the skies. "In case you haven't noticed, Dave earlier on was just trying to flatter but being the turn-off that you are naturally, you sent him off, you should be grateful, even hobos suddenly get standards to p***y when they see yours, no one wants to f**k you, you are the definition of a turn-off." "J!" Dave shook his head.  "That was unnecessary." "You bastard!!!" "I am betting your parents never told you, you are a product of papa s**t and mama s**t.  Ever heard of a test-tube baby, that's how you are made. Except in your case, it wasn't sperm from papa and ovum from mama, they both literally shat into a jar one time they were high on cheap weed. The next time they checked the jar, they found you. The ugliest and most disgusting cunt ever born to humanity." "J!" Dave quickly runs over to Joshua as he tried to calm him down. "Take a chill pill, man." "I am the J, I can never chi..." Before Joshua could finish his sentence, a body hits him forcefully, sending him flying several miles away.  Dave looked at the body of the person that hit him, she looked oddly familiar. With white hair, and a pretty face, she was dressed in a long brown cloak. She sat on top of a rhinoceros.  "Aren't you Zenaida?" Dave asks. "Aww," Zenaida turns red as she smiles at him. "The cutie still remembers me." "What's going on?" Dave ignores her remark. "My Grandma is an entourage-user, she got contacted by this totally rich and mysterious woman..." "Madame," Dave mutters to himself. "Yeah, Madame," Zenaida's face lits up. "I wonder how you know, ooh. Why won't you? I guess everyone makes an effort to know who wants to kidnap them," she ends, her face beaming with smiles as she continues. "So we are gonna get a hundred million dollars if we capture you and that..." Her smiling expression had turned sour as Joshua had gotten to his feet, he looked pissed.  "...blonde jerk by your side." "I have a name," Joshua tells her fiercely. "And it's the J." "J!!!!!!" The voice reverberated around the game. "I am going to make you pay back." "Pay with what, b***h," Joshua had his most demeaning grin. "You are so poor when your family was asked for the past tense of break, they just pointed to your ugly disgusting face." "J," Dave looked concerned. "Learn to have chills." "Wanna know why I have no chills?" Joshua put on his most demeaning grin, Dave and Zenaida shook their heads. Before Joshua could finish his sentence, lightning appeared in the sky, forming a bolt-like shape. It shot in Joshua's direction. Joshua grinned maliciously to himself as several goblin teeth appear in his arms, stretching them towards the incoming lightning. The goblin teeth suddenly joined together as it was hit by the lightning.  Currents of the return stroke began passing through each piece, the teeth began to coalesce together until two long swords were formed in Joshua's arms, the two swords were gleaming brightly. "How did you know you could do that?"Zenaida was shocked. "I am the J, the only things hidden from me are those that don't exist," Joshua smirks as he grins at Max's avatar. "The texture and shape of his weapon are the same as a goblin tooth, I was glad I collected several. I am guessing in this world, there's a blacksmith in this world who uses heat to make weapons, wasn't sure the man would be doing it for free and the old hag you call a Grandma wasn't exactly nice enough to leave us some cash as she dropped us, so I intentionally aggravated her so I'd get a source of heat and voila," Joshua grins as he tosses the other weapon in Dave's direction. Dave caught it in the air. "Are you also in this with him?" Zenaida asks as she turned to Dave. "You plan to abduct me and sell me off to Madame," Dave had an exasperating look on his face. "Of course I'd be on any side that's opposing you." "Like you can beat me," Zenaida scoffs. "In case you haven't noticed, this is my grandma's world, she can spawn anything here." "And in case you haven't noticed," Dave had a sly grin on his face. "J and I have a combined IQ of 431, we know you too were also brought into this world like us, it's obvious from our little conversations, the look on your face, and how you quickly referred back to your Grandma when I said I was against you. If you had some power, you would have boasted about it, I am guessing you are yet to discover your entourage, and the reason you spend so much time with your Grandma is cause of this virtual reality, you enjoy it, don't you?" Zenaida could feel sweat breaking off her forehead. Who the hell were these two. "Impossible," she gasps. "Impossibility used to be a thing until I, the J came along," Joshua grins as he took a combative stance. "The first Primordial is just as Terry described, but Dave, he's equally frightening," Zenaida's Grandma grit her teeth as she watched all that was unfolding.  "J has a violent record and I am sure he is no gentleman, I have to find a way to rescue my granddaughter, she means everything to me."
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