Episode 46

1615 Words
The old woman couldn't help but feel a burden lifted from her shoulders. She had been annoyed and angry with herself. Joshua and Dave had been tricking and evading her with no form of respect or regard whatsoever. Just when she thought she had finally narrowed where they were down, those two were suddenly missing but her granddaughter wore a resolved look as she kept soaring through the skies. She was determined to find out where Joshua and Dave were. "Zenaida, my precious pearl!" The entourage began. "From the moment I knew the two Primordials were going to enter, I made the demon Kings' mind go crazy, it is now using Excalibur as its weapon, and that's the only weapon that's capable of damaging him. I had a feeling J and Dave would eventually find a way to make it towards him. Also, defeating the demon king doesn't mean you would be leaving this world, that was one of the mental tricks I had played on them, I was too cautious to put that obvious scheme in the game." "You sly fox," Zenaida laughed at the sky. "You really can be cunny when you want but it still doesn't mean," her smile vanished as she wore a determined look. "J might be an asshole but he always gets results. Also, Dave said no entourage ability is convenient, that there are conditions. And in any system where there are conditions, there must be loopholes." "Don't worry about that, My Zenaida. He tried to use that psyche on me earlier so I would think he had a way to get out of here but it was just a load of bull." "That knowledge that you lacked was one of the trump cards he had in his possession, we both know it's impossible to use any of the created weapons of this world to enter the real world," Zenaida says to her mother. "Meaning J and Dave are somewhere here, there's a loophole they are planning on exploiting. Something they must have discovered about your ability that you are yet to know." "But what could it be?" "Send goblins orcs in every area in this world, let them all be invisible so Dave and J would be unable to know that they are around!!!" Zenaida orders. The entire world was filled with innumerable goblins which began to frolic around the entire world, entering into cottages, caves, and every place located in the world.  Zenaida looked down as she carefully observed all that was happening, there was no news from her grandmother, she could also not see any form of violence around. There was nothing out of the blue As if J and Dave had found a way out of the world. "Grandma, anything?" Zenaida asks. "No," her grandmother replied. "So then it's confirmed," she hit the reins of the Phoenix bird forcefully, it flew towards the mountains pass.  There were several ogres which were walking around a cliff. They spotted the bird approaching them, taking several large chunks of rock from the ground. They began to hurl it in their direction.  Zenaida jumped from the phoenix, she muttered a spell.  A portal appeared directly before her, the rock entered and the portal reappeared directly on top of one of the ogres, the rock fell from the portal to the head of the ogre, knocking him out cold. Zenaida landed on the ground, Maxingham jumped from the phoenix as he too got to the ground. "Let's do this!" Zenaida grits her teeth as she dashes towards the ogres. Lightning and fireballs accompanied the both of them as it began to rain from the skies at the ogres. Maxingham dashed towards the Ogres, he was slashing and hacking through them as fast as he could. Zenaida wore a concerned look. "There's no sign that J and Dave came through this area, if they had, they would at least have to have defeated a few ogres but there's no black dust. When a creature dies, it leaves black dust in its wake before it respawns at it's original point," she muttered a spell as she points her wand to an ogre which was running towards her from the right. A light rap appeared from the tip as it passed through the head of the creature sending it falling to the ground. "Or had Dave and J noticed that, did they pack up the black dust in hopes that I would think they didn't enter the demon kings' abode." Maxingham had rushed into the cave, killing every ogre or creature that came his way, Zenaida ran as fast as she could, muttering spells under her breath.  Fireballs and lightning appeared destroying every creature close to her, soon, she had gotten to Max's position. The duo walked further inside, they came into the cave.  Giant hounds had appeared as they dashed towards him. Maxingham sharply dodged to his right as a hound ran over him, as fast as he could, Maxingham thrust his weapon in the belly of the stomach. The hound transformed into black dust as it vanished. Max put on a sly grin as he intended to brag to Zenaida but Zenaida muttered a spell. Runes appeared around the remaining group of hounds, she kept muttering and from the ground where the hounds were.  Immense flames shot out burning them to crisp. "Come on, Dave," Zenaida looked in his direction as she began running forwards. "The city will be destroyed if we don't hurry up." "Relax, Zen," Max smiles at her. "It's just a game." Zenaida tried her hardest not to show her displeasure at what he said, he wasn't in her position so he couldn't relate to what exactly was happening. This was her Grandmother's chance to earn a hundred million dollars. She was going to help her Grandma accomplish it. Soon they came to a palace, it was decorated with several precious stones, the walls were made of gold, the throne, of diamonds. Sitting on the throne was a young-looking boy, probably fifteen years old. He had scarlet-red eyeballs, long curly black hair, and supple smooth skin; he was the demon king. "It's time your reign over this land ends," Maxingham says as he points over in the demon king's direction. Zenaida ignored both of them as she kept moving around.  "The demon king won't even notice I am around, it's due to grandma's settings which only makes the main character of the game able to fight with the main villain; the demon king, there's no way Dave and J would have fought him, they have gotta be somewhere around here, I have to find them." She spotted black dust on the floor directly behind the throne, her intuition was correct.  Dave and Joshua had indeed come to the mountains' pass. They must have killed several creatures on their way here, packed up the black dust.  "But why did they let them drop here?" Zenaida thought to herself. "It's almost like they were trying to lure me here intentionally," she looked up to the roof. "There was no way grandmother can see me thanks to the fact, I am in a cave, and her entourage only restricts her to watch from the sky, meaning that in a place where there's a roof or some sort of barrier hiding it from the skies, Babushka won't be able to view it." Whilst, she was thinking. Maxingham and the demon king had begun fighting aggressively. The demon king muttered a spell.  A dragon flew through the roof as it blew fire in Maxingham's direction.  Maxingham rolled from the ground evading the onslaught. He did a kip-up as he got to his feet.  He ran towards the dragon, holding his weapon as tight as he could. The dragon breathed fire at him but Maxingham flipped in the air evading it, stretching his other arm, a spear appeared in it. He threw it with as much force as he could muster. It pierced through the head of the dragon. "RELEASE!!!!" Maxingham shouts. As soon as he did, a burst of energy was expelled from the tip of the spear bursting the head of the dragon to several bits as it fell to the ground. The demon king appeared from the severed bits, it was holding a long shining golden sword(Excalibur). It dashed towards Maxingham as it swung the weapon towards him, Maxingham parried the weapon with the one he held in his arm. The entire area began to reverberate. Zenaida looked around, all the clues she wanted were right here; she could spot the portal gun, the two swords Joshua had used to hack into the orcs. This was where Dave and Joshua had come to.  "But why can't I find them," she thought to herself. "Where the hell are they?" As she was thinking, she heard a beep coming from her hand, she looked at it, it was a notification. Max's console was about to die in a few minutes.  "Thanks to the microchip I installed, Max's console won't display it's battery level so it would just die without Max's knowledge, I don't know where J and Dave is but it doesn't matter, they will die here once this console goes off. It's a shame though, their spirits would have been very good for the harvest. It's time I get out of here," she ends as she shouts "BABUSHKA!!!!!!" "Now!!!" She heard J's voice, immediately she did. Red runes appeared around her, she was trapped in her spot. Joshua and Dave became visible, they were right beside her. Joshua had a haughty smile on his face while Dave kept his cool. "Miss us."
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