The Entourage Called Ninja

3570 Words
Joshua looked at the old man with disbelief, he didn't appear to be joking when he informed him that if he stood at that same spot for six more seconds, he would die. Joshua quickly jumped away and as he did, an entourage suddenly materialized from the spot where he was. Joshua could feel his heart racing even faster, the entourage was golden, he knew who owned that entourage, it belonged to Jin Woo. "That's Jin's entourage," Max gasps. "But he's short-range, how can his entourage be here and he not be." "Just because you can't see me," Jin's voice came behind Joshua. "Doesn't mean I am not here." Joshua quickly jumped away from the position where he was as he looked around him, his body was already cloaked in blue miasma and his entourage had fully formed right beside him. "Jin, don't be a pussyo," Joshua smiled. "There's an ass-whooping with your name on it." "Don't you have to catch me first," Joshua heard the voice come behind him again. "Before you can give me an ass-whooping." Joshua looked behind him but couldn't see any Jin or his entourage, they had both temporarily vanished, everyone in the room was on alert as they had moved beside each other each surveying the room as if their life depended on it. Sensei was the only one different, he remained on his mat and kept meditating as if there was nothing wrong. Joshua remained in his position, he had clenched his fists and his entourage was directly on his left side, he was going to ODE ODE Jin the moment he showed his ugly mug that he called his face. Jin's entourage had suddenly appeared behind Joshua but Joshua couldn't feel it, he was still looking cautiously around his environment, the rest of Joshua's comrades too were not focused on Joshua so they hadn't noticed the entourage which was now directly behind their friend, they too were surveying the rest of their environment. "It's the job of a man," Sensei sighs still sitting on his mat. "To protect children," as he said that, he suddenly vanished from the mat he was sitting on, he reappeared directly in front of Joshua. Joshua was shocked to see him but was even more shocked about the sound that he heard next. "AHHHRGGHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!" Jin screamed in agony, tears were dropping from his eyes, he was obviously in pain, his right arm was missing and blood was spilling speedily from his right shoulder. Leon was amazed but Dave and Max were the only ones in the room with surprised expressions. " is po... possible," Jin said still crying. "I had cloaked myself in miasma, my entourage is capable of moving seven hundred and forty times the speed of light, I should have been able to perceive at that speed, you aren't even cloaked in your miasma, there's no way you should have been able to touch me." "Just because a creature is fast," Sensei was a really short man of barely five feet. "Doesn't mean he won't be touched by a something that's seemingly slower, take light, despite how fast it is, it always ends up hitting even stationary objects, speed is no guarantee for invincibility, no creature no matter how undeveloped has a brain which dictates it's every action before it even begins it, the ground," Sensei says as he feels the ground with his right palm. "...has a direct connection with that brain whenever any part of the body touches it, by being patient and listening, one can observe what would happen, the number of objects present on the ground and the immediate action any of the objects would take, I thought losing my eyesight was a curse but it wasn't until two decades earlier when I discovered the secrets of the ground that I was even grateful for losing my eyes, you came here with one other individual, somehow, you two had been moving around in this room while moving between the ground and some other realm, though I sense your friend is gone and I am sure he was the one who was transporting you, it would be a bit of problem really, I don't think any of the kids would be nice enough to take you to the cemetery when I am done with you and I unfortunately, am an old man and can't do very much." "You old fart!!!" Jin shouts at him as he thinks. "What an i***t, he doesn't know that even though my arm was ripped off, my hands still retain the ability of my entourage, it's directly by his feet, I just need to make sure he touches it," Jin ends as he removes a knife from his pocket. Joshua seeing that caused his entourage to step right in front of Sensei to deflect the knife away, as his entourage was about to step in front of Sensei, it brushed him away lightly causing Sensei's feet to brush Jin's severed arm lightly. "J, you are a f*****g i***t, that was my plan from the start, I knew you were going to try and use your entourage to deflect the weapon from hitting Sensei, that was why I threw it, now he's affixed to the spot, I have won." "Usually the people who say they have won," he heard Sensei's voice behind him, Jin's excited face had suddenly changed to that of fear. "Are those who are currently enjoying victory," Jin turned back, and standing before him was Sensei, he quickly looked back at where he thought Sensei was but Sensei was no longer there. "But you, young chap are in the face of overwhelming defeat." "Shouldn't we help him?" Leon asks. "There's no need to," Max says. "It's Sensei, once he had taken down an army of entourage-users." "I sense great shock from your direction," Sensei said holding his right arm towards him. "Shut the f**k up!!!!!" Jin screamed as his entourage had suddenly appeared before him, the entourage made a fist as it tried to punch Sensei but the old man easily avoids it. "I guess you are wondering how I was able to escape the effect of your entourage even though my feet had supposedly touched your severed arm which I am guessing must be the trigger." Jin got further annoyed as his entourage joined his two arms together, it brings it down as if to hit Sensei, he lands a clean hit on Sensei but as it was dropping his hands. Sensei became a poof of smoke and disappears. Sensei reappears behind him and began to pat him lightly. "I can now sense frustration, it's okay, this is my entourage ability, it enables me to create after-images, don't tell me you haven't seen my entourage?" Jin said nothing, it was obvious on his face that he was tired. "Wow, this is interesting, how is that you have eyes and you observe so little?" Sensei said as he pointed up, levitating in the air just directly below the roof was a 6'5 tall entourage which was dressed in a white Ninja costume, it had a sword sheathed to the right side of his waist. "That's my entourage, it's also short-range, I haven't been able to see it for many years so I had forgotten how it looks like, tell me," Sensei's tone was now really grevious. "Does my entourage now have big boobs?" He ends with a creepy smile. "I forgot to tell you guys," Dave was lecturing Joshua and Leon who were now right beside him. "Sensei can be a bit of a p*****t at times." "You sicko," Jin growled as his entourage dashed towards Sensei's entourage. "If I am unable to touch you, I will just touch your entourage, that's all I need to win, a simple touch." "If only life gave everyone what they needed to win, then no one would value the concept of victory." Jin's entourage made a motion as if to punch Sensei's entourage but Sensei dodged to his left side, Sensei's entourage extended his right arm slapping Jin's entourage to the ground. "You have a bad mental fighting stance," Sensei says as he used the stick he was walking with to adjust Jin's posture. "Your center of gravity is more situated to the right side of your body meaning that's where you are majorly focused on, no one wins a battle against a tough opponent by just considering one side." "You old fart," Jin turned swiftly as he swings his right foot, he kicks Sensei on his chest sending him sprawling on the ground as he rolled backward. "I finally hit you," He had a look of relief on his face, he was really happy. "I actually hit you." "Are you still sure we shouldn't help him?" Leon says. "If you mean Jin," Dave had a sly grin on his face. "Yeah, we shouldn't help him, Sensei might end up killing all of us in the process." "You seem so confident about this Sensei guy," Joshua had a curious look on his face. "How many times have you two fought?" "If I am being factual, about 85 times." "And how many times did you lose, 45 times." "So it was either a win or a draw those remaining forty times right," Leon asks. "Depends on how you look at it, those remaining forty times were just the times when I refused to surrender and Sensei was tired of beating me so he would just intentionally tap out." "You old fart," Jin smirked in the old man's direction. "If you know what's good for you, you better stop giving advice and fight for your life, you are lucky I didn't hit you with my fist else this would have been over!" "Giving advice," Sensei sighs as his entourage which was overhead had begun to unsheathe his weapon. "With almost everyone so stupid nowadays, I saw it as the last avenue to correct it, though many times, people don't appreciate it but I can at least give the kids around here something to appreciate, a good ass beating." Sensei ends as his entourage dashed towards Jin's one, Jin ordered his entourage to go underground as he bent skillfully to dodge the sword s***h of Sensei's entourage, calling his entourage from underground, Jin attempted to counter but Sensei's entourage was holding his entourage by the wrist. "How is that possible?" Jin gasps. "I definitely dodged you, I am supposed to be the one with the advantage to counter." "And I said earlier," he heard Sensei's voice. "The brain already relays all your movements to the ground before you even make it and the ground never lies, I wouldn't want us to destroy this building, it belongs to young master David," Sensei's entourage ended as it punched Jin's entourage on his face gruesomely sending he and his entourage flying through the window as it shattered to several pieces, they both land on the pavement outside. Sensei was about a meter away from him, his entourage directly above him. "People are not usually fond of naming their entourages, I named mine ninja cause I have always been fascinated with those groups of historical warriors." Jin got to his feet, he spat out blood from his mouth, he had lost one of his arms and when it came to experience, Sensei or whatever the f**k the old man called himself had him beat with a massive margin. "You know old man, I thought about something and I realized I can't compete with you in terms of experience, that had been my f**k up from the start, that's why I shall be changing the way I approach you, there's something every youth posses that no old man can ever combat with him on, "Jin ended with a malicious grin, his entourage was holding his severed arm, it attached it to the place where it was severed. "Energy! youths will always have more energy than old men, it's a fundamental law which will never change, my entourage is capable of affixing anything to any spot so long the hands of my entourage or I touch it, my entourage touched my arm and it has now affixed it to the rest of my body, also, before coming here, I had deliberately tied some idiots to a tree, painted them red and dropped bulls around the area, the bulls have been hitting them for some time and my entourage had been gaining that kinetic energy, it's high time," Jin smiles. "I turn it into raw strength." As he said that, his body took a golden coloration. The old man still stood at the spot where he was and suddenly Jin disappeared from the spot where he was, he reappeared behind the old man as he punched him away, the old man began to hit the ground vehemently as he had been sprawled across a distance of five meters. "Wow, it's been a while since anyone has been able to hit me like this," the old man now had a happy smile on his face. "I was deliberately holding back, I hope this time, I can have some fun." As the old man said that, his entourage dashed towards Jin's one, Jin tried to hit the entourage but it evaded, Ninja raised his right knee connecting it to Jin's entourage as it caused it to stagger backward. Ninja unsheathes his weapon as he used the hilt to knock the entourage downwards towards Jin who was running towards the old man, Jin grinned as he held the arm of his entourage, he flung his entourage towards Sensei who narrowly jumps over the incoming projectile and immediately, he had jumped, Jin appeared directly in front of him, he connected a fist to his face sending him towards his entourage which was now directly behind the old man, the entourage kicked him back towards its owner, Jin grabbed the old man by his beard, as he was about to throw him away, the man he was carrying suddenly transforms to a poof of smoke as it vanishes. Sensei suddenly appears beside him, he gives him a fast barrage of punches in his mid-section. "AHHRRRRGHHHH!!!!!" Jin screams in pain as he tries to counter by hitting the old man, but the old man sharply bends his body, he lifts the arm which was extended to hit him, he topples him over carrying Jin's entire body above the ground, he throws him away, Jin in order to avoid hitting the ground summons his entourage which appeared in front of him, while he was about to land in the hands of his entourage. Ninja(Sensei's entourage) appeared from underground and gave him an uppercut to his jaw. Jin dropped to the ground, his entire body was a bloody mess but Sensei didn't look like he had taken a scratch, he was flexing his muscles as he walked towards him, Sensei was out for blood and he wasn't showing any mercy at all. The battle was to the death. Jin got to his feet, he began to find it painful to breathe, he couldn't feel his ribs, they were certainly cracked. "What can I do?" Jin thought to himself. "I should have just listened to Shadow earlier, I thought I could have just taken J straight and delivered him right up to Madame as I have another job to do in this city, I can't fail now, I have to find a way to triumph and go back home," Jin said as he looked at the ground. "The old fart already told me his strengths, he is strong because he can listen to the ground, usually, I don't believe that crap but I think he has pretty much proven to me that it's true, I have to use it to my advantage now." Jin's entourage dashed around the entire 2-meter radius from his point. Jin jumped from the ground and to everyone's amazement, he was now standing in the air. "I had used my entourage to touch every constituent of air present within a two-meter radius, because of that, they got affixed and I can now as easily just stand on top of them, your listening ability will no longer be valid since the particles of the air are affixed and as a result, sound can't travel meaning there's nothing you can rely on that can save you, you dumb old fart." Jin smiles maliciously to himself as he and his entourage dash towards the old man. "Not bad thinking, not bad at all," the old man thinks to himself. "I can't hear anything at all in the air, he must have affixed all the particles in the air to a spot, and also, he isn't on the ground as I can feel it and I no longer feel his weight, he has to understand that hearing is not the only sense present in the human body. "The old man is still looking confident," Jin thought to himself as he kept running towards the old man. "I thought I had removed all his tools of victory, why then isn't he tensed, what the hell or could it be the smell, no, it definitely can't be, every constituent in the air is frozen, even smell can't travel, that's why I have to end this as fast as possible before I pass out due to lack of oxygen but this old man, he should have difficulty breathing because there's no oxygen in the atmosphere but he still looks perfectly fine, is there something else I am not considering? Does the old fart have an ability I am not aware of?" Jin kept thinking to himself, he was so distracted by his thoughts that he didn't even realize when his body bumped into the old man. "The benefit of a poker face," Sensei had a sly smile on his face. "It can even make someone with the absolute advantage think he's at a disadvantage, I have seen this at play several times when I went to play cards at casinos and young minds are the most susceptible to mind tricks," Sensei chuckles for a while. "Its funny cause I can't even see." "You old fart!!!!" Jin was about to scream but Sensei gave him a sidekick sending him flying backward, Jin gritted his teeth as he sent his entourage to attack the old man but Ninja suddenly materialized before Jin's entourage, unsheathing his sword, if pierced the entourage's leg to the ground. AGHRGHHHHGHHGGHHH!!!!!!!!!" Jin tries to scream in pain like a b***h but he couldn't make any sound but blood had begun to drip from his injury to the ground, the old man smiled evilly to himself as he could feel the blood dripping to the ground, that was his plan, he dashed towards the young man as he unleashes a flurry of punches and kicks on his body, Jin could feel his bones snap and break every time the old man hit him and if he tried to counteract, the old man would easily evade and give him a kick to his jaw which would send him backward. The old man pressed on his attack, Jin's entourage had already vanished by now and all the effects of the entourage had already become inactive. Jin getting tired of getting gruesomely beaten took out his knife from his waist as he tried to slit the old man but the old man kicked his arm, disarming him as the knife fell towards the ground, the old man caught it while he was in the air as he pushed it towards Jin's waist but as he was about to pierce him, he saw something drop to the ground from Jin's trouser, it was his d**k. "I knew you Koreans had small d***s, just didn't know they were detachable too." (Jin had used his entourage to affix his d**k back to his waist after Hendrickson had first ripped it out with the bullet but when his entourage had vanished, all the past effects the entourage did while it was still active vanished with it). Jin didn't know what to say to the old man, his entire body was a bloody mess, he had lost all his teeth and his body, it wasn't even that he didn't know what to say, for that moment, he was presently unable to speak. Sensei stopped dealing damage to him and immediately Sensei stopped, Jin collapsed face down to the ground. "That was a bit of a burn," Sensei smiles to himself as he begins to stretch his body out. "I really should do more of this but unfortunately, there aren't many entourage-users who can stay alive that long," he looked at Jin's lifeless body. "You had potential and you were quite adaptive even as the fight dragged longer, you knew your strengths and weaknesses, you wanted to play on your strengths and avoid your weaknesses but what still destroyed you was inexperience, you must have never faced an entourage-user who was capable of bluffing but either way, I enjoyed my battle with you, it was quite fun, you reminded me how much entourage battles can be fun," Sensei ends as he walks towards the duplex when he was about a few meters from the door. Leon had his mouth wide open, he was clapping for Sensei.
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