
244 Words
A lone figure stands on top of a cliff overlooking a vast forest. He is a man with a dark past but was changed because of love. And now, he is about to do something greater than love... a sacrifice. It is a bitter cold and quiet night. The dark sky is covered with thick fog but the stars are shining through the veil-like clouds. He isn't minding the cold slap of night air for his blood is getting warmer every second in anticipation. The birds, bats and other wild animals around him seemed too smart to be spectators and chose to hide in their lairs instead. Proudly, he awaits the familiar pain his birthright entails. Getting close to where he stood as he gazes down at his loved-ones abode, are his thirteen brothers whom he called brethren. He can hear their running feet and ragged breaths. He chose the spot for this ceremony because it was where he met his beloved. It is just right to do it there. Finally one by one, his brothers arrived... breathless, eager, and hateful. "This is the only way," he addressed them. He received no reply, just their piercing stare. He motioned for them to get ready then. Together they stood by the cliff, positioned themselves... Together they gazed skyward... The sensation of pain, pleasure, power and strength became instantaneous. Being bathed with the moonlight's curse, he and his brethren howled passionately to the magnificent January full moon... the moon dedicated to their ancient race... the Wolf Moon.
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