Chapter 2

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My bosses are great assholes. Sorry. I meant they are great men... but assholes. Get the difference? Hope so. They are lawyers by the way. I work in the Accounting Department of a Law firm. Not just any law firm, it's "the law firm" of all law firms. The Partners are the makers of lawyers, they are Deans of law schools, writers of Law Books, mentors of Justices and politicians, and they are the big shots of the Legal world. And being such mighty suckers, they are like Gods in the office. They punish and smite. They banish you into hell but give heavenly rewards to those who do well. I love working for them. They are the very reason I got up feeling awake every morning. Thinking of their deadlines is more potent than any strong brewed coffee there is on this planet. Yes, they drive their slaves with fear. It is an effective tactic to the strong but the cause of death for the weak. I've been in their dungeon for 5 years now. Ha! Beat that! Five years of living in a danger zone, in the line of fire and in the deepest bowels of hell. I consider myself stronger and braver now. That was an understatement. But they made me rich. I have a salary fat enough to feed 6 members of a family. So, no one's complaining.  That's the only reason why I truly love my sucky job. I can afford to pay for luxurious spas, expensive dinners with friends, out-of-town vacations, high-tech gadgets, and shopping sprees until I drop. "Maya!" I heard a booming voice through the intercom, "Maya, come into my office now!" "Ooops! That's my cue to wear a helmet," I sighed to Sandra, my manager. "Don't forget your bullet proof vest! Good luck, Bakla (Gay/Homosexual)!" she looked stoic and even bored. Not that she did not care at all, just that, it was how it had always been. I picked up my notebook, pen and calculator and braved my way to Atty. Florante's office. Atty. Florante is one of the 6 senior partners, being the youngest at age 50; he is the managing partner and the most terrifying amongst them all. "Yes sir?" I asked looking at the big man behind a massive shiny wooden desk. He looked pissed. Well, he always looks pissed no matter what the occasion anyway. His bushy moustache quivered as his lips formed a frightful sneer. I was expecting a loud growl but instead... "What's this?" he asked, repeatedly pointing at my reports in front of him. "Settle down, moustache," I thought to myself. A technique I used whenever I was in the dragon's den, I concentrated on what's funny so as not to get scorched by the fire he belches out. "Statement of Account for client no. 109345, sir. You asked for it last Friday," I answered, confident at my answer. Then came Bagyong Sendong (Typhoon Sendong) all over again. Papers flew everywhere, 10 pages of unbound Statement of Accounts. I hesitated if I should catch the still air-bound papers or let them just reach the floor and pick them up later, so I did an up and down, side to side dance combo moves. I abruptly stopped in my mid lunges to the floor when I heard an ear-splitting scream. "Get those papers out of here now! Useless, I needed it 3 days ago! You hear me Friday! Useless!!!!" more cursing, growling, spitting and pounding fist on table tantrums. In a rapid motion that I could muster, I picked up the reports and sped out of the battlefield. That was why I never used miniskirts before now. It was easier to bend over with longer skirts. And it was easier to run away with flat shoes than the one I was wearing, a pair of wedge shoes with 5 inches high soles! I should have not changed my boots at the last minute. "Monday, it had to be on a Monday!" I berated myself over and over on my way back to the Accounting room. My officemates stared at me like a walking disease on my way out of Atty. Florante's office. We have a strict rule at the Firm. Do not make the bosses angry on Mondays. Or else, weather forecast will be as follows: Tuesday will be just windy and rainy.  Wednesday, there will be thunder claps and lightning bolts hitting the four corners of the office. Thursday, a hailstorm will hit on our heads and drill our skulls. And Friday, the Apocalypse will prematurely come. Today, I was the Monday rule breaker. What happened to my earlier claim of living the safe, boring and routine life of an Accountant? It was just a fantasy, I guessed. Or rather, it was just wishful thinking. Before lunch time, the hot tension in the office intensified. One by one, secretaries, paralegals, and even janitors and messengers were thrown to the pith for fresh roasting. And they all blamed me, silently and "back-stabbingly" so. Thirty minutes after 12 p.m., I could not avoid the pantry forever. I was so parched. I could taste lead in my mouth. So I summoned my inner bravery and got up with my water bottle on hand. When I reached the pantry's closed door, I stopped to listen for a while. There was no laughter or cheery voices. I could only hear the clicking and clunking of utensils. I sighed, and opened the sliding door. Everyone's head turned to look at me. And as I imagined, all their eyes looked murderous. "Oh look, it's Maya - the Monday killer," one brass paralegal voiced out. But instead of apologizing, I answered back, "Don't blame this on me. If you also did your job and made no mistake, then you could have been spared. We all work hard not to commit any. So, might as well blame yourselves if you were shouted at too!" I did not stick around to hear more comments. But basing from their shocked expressions, I knew none were coming out after me with their forks and knives anyway. Huh!  That showed them all who could not be roughed up. I've been at this kind of hell way too long to be treated worse. There was nothing rougher that I could not handle. But then again, I failed to realize... Be careful what you wish for!
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