Tyler's POV It's been a week already and I still can't believe I have been going to the bordello nonstop. When I left Brenda angrily that night, I thought I won't go there anymore. But I was amazed to find myself going back there again with Bryce. I don't know what is happening to us and why we are smitten to those two ladies. I am always going there because of Brenda and Bryce is going there because of Crystal. I can't even bring myself to tell Bryce how I feel about Brenda. I don't know what he will think and how he will react to my confession but I am thinking he will laugh at me, thinking I am just joking as usual. I am in awe of Bryce's way of healing from Ariel's breakup. I only told him about the bordello because it was hindering me from going there and I wanted him to