Chapter 4-3

1974 Words

“There is a chance that Mr. Stroyensky will be leaving St. Petersburg either tomorrow or the next day. He is at the moment playing the piano to the Prince in his private part of the palace and felt that you would like to hear him.” “I would indeed!” Alida exclaimed. “How very kind of you, ma’am!” She paused and added with a smile, “I think Mr. Stroyensky must have told you that, when we talked at dinner, I said that I should so much like to hear him play.” “He is a genius!” the Grand Duchess exclaimed. “But as yet undiscovered. I am determined that his music shall be brought to the attention of those who can place him where he belongs, in front of the public.” “He told me that you were a Patron of the Arts, ma’am,” Alida said. “I try to be,” the Grand Duchess answered simply. “Now co

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