2420 Words

‘Giant’ was a bit of an exaggeration, but it wasn’t that far off. The man who held me with one hand was easily the biggest man I’d ever seen. With his long, dark hair that went down to his shoulders, piercing gray eyes, and chiseled chin, he looked kind of like a stereotypical barbarian, especially when I glanced down and noticed that he wore furs and leather armor. He even smelled a little feral, like someone who spent a lot of time outdoors. Not that I really had time to ponder how he smelled, though. He was easily ten-feet-tall and held me as if I weighed nothing. His strong jaw was twisted in a deep scowl and his eyes glared deeply into mine, causing me to go limp in his grasp. “What is this?” said the man in a deep, rumbling voice that reminded me of a runaway train. “Students are

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