One // Cancel the Wedding, That Will Be Cool

1055 Words
“You’ve barely eaten a chunk of food last night,” Nicholas—Nick—commented, gobbling down the remnants of pancake on his blue plastic plate. He visited Samantha—Sam—today even though there were superstitions regarding about not seeing each other before the wedding day. Nick wasn’t a pure believer of that because he wouldn’t be there right now if he did. “I wasn’t hungry.” That wasn’t a total lie. Sam was always a binge-eater way back when she was in high school and college but after disastrous events had led to her life, she was cautious not to eat too much. During her senior prom, there was a slight rip on the waistline of her gown when she was done eating. The good thing was, no one noticed but the bad thing was, her date, the school jock who only asked her out for prom because he pitied her, saw what happened. She expected him to be such a gentleman but what she didn’t expect was the opposite: he laughed loudly at her when he took her home. It was humiliating and it made her more insecure with herself than she really did. And before the wedding night, she didn’t want to stuff herself with a lot of food because she was sure her wedding gown might burst into pieces and it would leave her being a literal blushing bride. “Is it because you’re afraid that people will see you fat?” Nick asked carefully, putting the plate on the sink. He placed a kiss on her forehead slowly, passionately and Sam’s heart burst into millions of colours. She felt loved and Nick was the only one who could make her feel crazy. She nodded feebly and Nick chuckled lightly, his caramel eyes vibrantly playing to life. He was handsome and he looked younger when he did that, which made Sam’s stomach rampage with a herd of wild animals. She never felt different even after they first met. “I love you, Sam,” Nick breathed, like she was his air. “That will never change the way I see you. I love you and everything you are. I don’t care what other people think.” Sam almost cried at his words. How could she deserve a man like him? He was so beautiful and pure-hearted. He never spoke ill towards anyone. How could he love a girl who was insecure and selfish like her? But they reached to the point where commitment was in line and that was something. “I love you, too, Nicholas Andrew Schmidt.” - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - She was at total shock. “Y-You’re c-cancelling t-t-the wedding?” she stuttered, her eyes on the verge of tears. This morning Nick told her he loved her but tonight, twenty-four hours prior on the wedding day, he told her he was cancelling off everything. Was he afraid of what might lie ahead of them? “Yes,” Nick said firmly, without even batting a lid. Was everything between them a lie? Sam had no clue. Was he seeing someone else who was more beautiful than she was? Maybe that was the most plausible explanation as to why he was breaking up with her, on the night before their wedding day. “Why?” she cried, pleading every soul for Nick to change his mind. But with the way his expressions never contorted to pain or to any emotion regarding about their wedding, Sam was sure he was not going to doubt his decision. “I mean, why now?” Tears spiralled down to her cheeks then fell to her throat. They were salty and painful and seeing Nick apathetic towards everything, she wasn’t sure if she would be okay, or fine nonetheless. “Because I can’t do it anymore,” he answered but his voice was slightly shaking. Did he feel the same way too? Could she have a slight chance of convincing him to stay? “Because everything was a lie.” The way he said the last statement was firmer than she thought. Her knees were wobbling, her shoulders trembling as a loud sob mangled her throat. She could feel an arrow striking to her chest. Her vision had gotten blurry with the tears filling in her eyes. “I’m sorry, Samantha,” Nick apologized but his tone was nowhere near to being sorry. “I—,” Sam looked away, the rain started pouring on the street they were standing. The sky was dark and all she could think was run away, disappear until no one would find her. But she had other responsibilities, like running a company. Luckily, she scheduled a three-month leave for their honeymoon. But that wasn’t going to happen, not anymore. “I don’t know.” It was surprising her voice was tranquil while her heart was pounding loudly against her chest. “I know you’re upset,” Nick said softly, grabbing her hand on his. Sam immediately recoiled away from his touch as if he was burning her. She didn’t need his comfort because it would only hurt her more than she really did. “Just. Go. Away,” she gritted between her teeth and Nick turned around in the pouring rain, not even glancing back at her, to say to her it was all but a prank. It wasn’t the first of April but she wished it was so that she could reassure herself that all he was doing was a joke and that he loved her. But he was nowhere near her sight right now. She couldn’t see him running back to her, capture her in his arms and tell her she was his whole world. Sam fell to her knees, her tears mixed with the heavy rain pounding. “Why?!” she screamed, but her voice was inaudible for the whole world to hear. I thought he loved me just the way I am, or she thought.
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