Steamy Paradise

Steamy Paradise

one-night stand
age gap

This is a compilation of several steamy short stories.

Different stories with different backgrounds and situations with different characters. In one it could be an act of pure lust, in the other, it could be out of love. It could be about humans or even a werewolf.

***Explicit Mature content***


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#1: Meisha and Larry - Part 1
Meisha had a tough day. Well, it was tough to be a teenager anyway. Every day was full of new challenges and changes. Especially when you are past eighteen, still waiting for high school to be over, and the pressure to get into a good college becomes more real. Everything started mattering in the last few months - your behavior, grades, extra-curricular activities, how you speak, dress, who you hang with, etc., etc. But in this already chaotic situation, what if the love story you thought would be a happily ever after starts fizzling out? Well, Meisha had a rough breakup with her long-time boyfriend, Jack. Honestly, she had seen it coming. There were more occasions than not where she wanted to end it. They were both getting attracted to others. Jack was a chocolate boy with an average build. But as Meisha grew, she couldn't help but desire to be with rougher and more sturdy-looking guys. Likewise, Jack couldn't help but get attracted to curvier girls. It wasn't that Meisha was skinny. But Jack preferred girls with bigger breasts and asses. Every time they get intimate lately, they wouldn't be satisfied physically. However, they dragged it as long as they could until Meisha caught Jack jerking off to Ravena's i********: photo. Ravena was their junior and had joined their school in the student exchange program. The girl was busty in all the right places. All the boys were going gaga over her, and she didn't mind flirting with each of them. She didn't care how they looked or behaved as long as they were rich and bought her costly gifts. She would smile, compliment, and go out on dates without any fuss. Well, she was easy for boys from wealthier families at school. Jack was one of them. Her unreal looks and assets were over the top for hormonal teenage boys to ignore her. She was a complete w***e, or at least, that was what the girls at the school thought. There were more fall-outs between couples after she came. Meisha had cried to her pillows for the past week. Even if she was attracted to more muscular men older than her, she kept herself in check. She wanted to be loyal. But after their breakup, more secrets were popping out than she could digest. Apparently, Jack had cheated on her with a couple of girls. But today was the worst. She saw Jack and Ravena in his car in a compromising state outside the cinema hall. It was hard for her to digest that Jack could move on so comfortably. It was only a week after they had split up. Meisha was still in her room, crying and fussing when her uncle Larry visited their home. Uncle Larry was her stepfather's new friend, even if he was much younger than him. They had met while playing golf and had hit it off. Ever since they became friends, he had been visiting them after their golf matches on the weekends. He said he loved the food at our home, even if the maid made it. Her mother had been living away for more than a year now, owing to the nature of her job. She was an archeologist posted in a remote location after a site discovery. Larry has been very open about his fondness for Meisha. Apparently, they shared so many things in common, like their love for fine arts, camping, mountains over beaches, and taste in films. So, before they knew it, Larry and Meisha had formed a close-knit bond. After dinner, the whole family and Larry would sit for a movie. But in the end, it would be just Meisha and Larry who would be awake till the end. It had become customary for Larry to sleep over and leave the next day after breakfast. After all, he was single and unanswerable to anyone about his whereabouts. Truth spoken, Meisha had a secret crush on Larry. She hated calling him uncle, but she had to since he was his father's friend, irrespective of the age gap. Larry was only ten years older than her. But he was the ideal man in her eyes. He had a strong, rough, well-maintained, muscular physique that made Meisha wet just by looking at them. She had many wet dreams about Larry. She had imagined every position she knew with him. And towards the end of her relationship with Jack, when the s*x was more mechanical, she had imagined Jack to be Larry to feel the mood. Meisha could hear Larry's voice coming from downstairs. She knew he would have brought her something nice to eat like always. Even though her heart thumped at his voice, she couldn't gather herself to get out of bed. She was feeling uncomfortable and gloomy. She was not confident about the way she looked. An inferiority complex sucked her up. She was somehow very cautious about going in front of Larry. Even if she knew he didn't see her as a woman, she couldn't bring herself to go before him while feeling so conscious about her body. In her delirious state, it felt like Larry wasn't interested in her because she had a problem. She wasn't appealing or attractive. She was scared to meet his eyes that would be void of any interest in her. Meisha was unusually attracted to Larry today. Maybe because she was single now, or perhaps because she saw Jack and Ravena together and wanted something good for her too. Or, it could be just her acting childishly because she was not feeling herself. "Meisha! Meisha!" The voice only became louder and louder with each passing second. Meisha closed her ears and buried her head under the pillow to avoid that enchanting, manly voice that created unnecessary waves in her heart. "I think Meisha is sick, Mr. Wilson. She had gone out for a movie night with her friends. But she returned too soon, complaining of acidity and a chest burn. I think she must have taken some medicine and slept. I was waiting for Mr. Lewis to be back so that he could check on her if she needs medical assistance." The maid replied. Meisha wondered where her stepfather was. She hadn't heard him till now. "What? Why didn't you call Sebastian? Didn't you check on her? What if she slept on an empty stomach? It will only get worse. It is a good thing that I came earlier than Sebastian." Larry raised his voice at the maid. It was the first time she had heard him talking in that tone. Her heart pounded at that. Was he worried about her? Maybe she was letting her imaginations run wild. He could simply be worried because he was a good man and not because he had any interest in her. Meisha shook her head, putting a hand over her pillow to block the noises coming from downstairs. She didn't want to hear Larry. She didn't want to face him. Why, of all days, does her stepfather have to be late today? Don't they usually come together after golfing? "I am sorry, Mr. Wilson, but Mr. Lewis was not picking up his phone. I think he was busy golfing." The maid replied sheepishly. "Here, you can have my number." Larry handed over his business card to the maid and rushed upstairs. His heart was acting crazy. He felt like his heart was about to burst out of a chest burn! Only it wasn't out of acidity but his foolish crush on Meisha. There was no way Larry could act on that crush. It wasn't right. She was a decade younger than him and the daughter of his friend. It was a different thing that Sebastian was much older. But it didn't change the fact of how he met with Meisha. Had he and Sebastian not become close friends, he would never have visited their house and met Meisha. So, under these unfavorable circumstances, when he was aware of Meisha's long-time boyfriend, Jack, he didn't want to act on his fleeting feelings. He thought it was temporary and would go away eventually. But the more he saw her, the more he desired her like a woman. "Meisha, Meisha? Open the door." Larry banged on Meisha's door relentlessly. He tried to reason that it was merely acidity. But his heart wasn't listening to him. Meisha could no longer ignore the banging sounds, no matter how much she tried to ignore them or cover her ears. Larry's voice became too strong while her waving heart was too weak. She finally gave up, rising to her feet. Meisha let out a deep sigh and slapped her cheeks a few times, reminding herself that she shouldn't act like a hormonal teenager but a dignified lady of the house. She couldn't afford to get caught drooling over him or secretly looking at him while he was watching the movie or talking to her stepfather. She reminded herself to be extra careful and not be around him for too long, respecting her own grieving heart and conflicted overwhelming emotions. "Meisha, I swear I am going to break the door now," Larry said with finality. He was about to do what he said out of worry when Meisha opened the door. Due to an imbalanced position, Larry fell on Meisha. She, too, couldn't carry the weight of his body. They both fell to the ground, with Larry on top of Meisha. "Ouch!" Meisha whined in pain. Larry quickly slid to Meisha's side, still lying on the floor, catching his breath. "I am sorry." He whispered, looking for any injuries to her. But when he was satisfied that the fall wasn't fatal, he sighed with relief. "Are you alright?" He still asked out of concern. "My back hurts a little. But I guess I will live." Meisha giggled, putting a smile on Larry's face. The two rose to the ground, and Larry again looked over for any visible injury. But there was none. Meisha couldn't help but feel excited by how Larry was attending to her. It was the first time he had kept his gaze on her for so long. She knew it was out of concern, but it still made her feel better compared to the last few days. "How is your stomach? Did you have any medication? Do we need to see a doctor?" Larry asked in a concern-filled voice. "You look weak and -" He was unsure what to say. He could tell she had been crying. Was it because of the pain? Or was there more to it? His heart was again racing without asking him. "I am fine. I just had a fight with a friend. Don't be bothered by what she said. I do not have acidity." Meisha replied, smiling at him. She didn't want him to find out how she got dumped because she wasn't good enough. It would be depressing. "But, obviously, you cried!" Larry blurted out before he realized it. It hurt him that Meisha didn't tell him the entire truth. Meisha's eyes popped out. She looked in her mirror. She had a swollen face from excessive crying, and her eyes were red and puffy. How could she have made such a mistake as opening the door to Larry looking like that? There was no way he would ever be interested in her now! "It's nothing! I think it is because of my acidity." Meisha pushed Larry outside the room and shoved the door. She wanted to drown and die in a glass of water or something! "Meisha! You are lying!" Larry grumbled. He felt defeated and unwanted. For the first time, he was feeling dejected. How could she not care how he felt and close the door on his face? "Tell me what happened?" He grumbled. Meisha's heart was beating erratically. She rushed to the washroom to wash her face and put on some makeup. "Larry, is that you? What happened?" Sebastian probed from downstairs, snapping Larry out of his bewilderment and anger. "Umm... Nothing! Meisha has awful acidity. I think she ran to the washroom again. I was just checking on her. Is your work done?" Larry tried to be as normal as he could. He went down the stairs with a heavy heart.

Dreame-Editor's pick


The Forced Mafia Princess


Spoiled by Her Second Chance


Wild Temptation After Divorce


Montana Nights


The Professor's Secret Seduction


Daddy's naughty Princess


Love Slave to the Mafia Boss's Passion


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