Chapter 5

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Olivia POV “I must be dreaming,” I muttered. I slightly opened the door, with only my head visible to the person outside. “Hi! Is this the house of Rebecca Compton? Or Rebecca Dawson, I mean.“ He stood with confidence. “Michael." I am not sure if he had heard me. Standing on the porch is the man I have been waiting for years. He had been always in my dreams. The only secret I have not shared with Aunt Becky. The photos I have seen did not do any justice to the looks of this man in front of me. He is so tall, around 6’2” I guess, with his muscular body apparent in his blue long-sleeved shirt and black jeans. His raven hair in military cut, eyes so dark I could get lost just by looking at them, his straight nose, thin pinkish lips that I would love to have a taste, clean shaven face. My very own Captain America! Yes, this is my Michael. I must have been staring at him for a short while with my mouth agape before he cleared his throat. “Uh, I am Michael, her son.” He raised his eyebrows, waiting for me to reply to him. “Olivia? Is everything alright?” I jumped at the voice behind me and realized that I have not invited Michael in the house. Oh no! I was so dumbfounded that I did not even think to get Aunt Becky, too! “Aunt Becky? Someone is looking for you.” I said, then opened the door widely. Aunt Becky gave me a questioning look before shifting her gaze to the man at the patio. “Mom!” She froze, then I saw tears start to build up in her eyes. Letting out a soft sob, she opened her arms and run to the boy she calls son. She was now a crying mess, laughing at the same time, kissing her non stop on both cheeks. “Michael! My baby! You’re here! Why didn’t you tell me you’re coming home? For goodness sake, come inside!” Aunt Becky could not believe her eyes! She had not seen her son personally for so long! All the video calls were nothing compared to being able to hug her son in the flesh. Michael, still locked in a side hug by his mom, gave Aunt Becky a kiss on top of her head. I could not help but stare at this beautiful in front of me, when I noticed the bags beside him. He has  2 big luggages, and a back pack placed on top of one of the luggages. He was now being ushered inside the house, when I found my voice to say, “You need a hand on those bags?” They both looked at me, as if surprised that I was still there. I was just at the back of the door watching them silently. “Oh, dear! Michael, this is Olivia. You’ve met her on one of our video calls. Olivia, this is my Michael, my one and only baby.” I have never seen Aunt Becky smile so brightly. “Hi, Olivia,” Michael offered his hand to shake mine. The heck with what I am wearing! I stepped out of my hiding place and shook his hand. Oh my gosh, if only I could keep on holding his hand forever. “Nice meeting you in person, Michael.” He looked puzzled while his eyes began to wander from my hair down to my toes. He bent down to get his bags, but still his eyes were on me. I began to feel hot all over. I tugged my shorts a bit, as if the action would make it cover my legs, then I crossed my arms over my breasts. I hope he had not seen my n****e marks through my top. “Mom, are there two Olivias here? From what I remember Olivia is fourteen.” He looked at his mother by his side, while they walked through the front door. “Michael, of course, Olivia has grown up! And into a gorgeous lady at that, don’t you think? She's already eighteen. Well, have you eaten, son? You are just in luck! I have some left-over lasagna, your favorite! I can heat it up. I hope lasagna is still your favorite. It's Olivia's favorite too. Come, let’s talk in the kitchen. I can’t believe you’re here!”  I closed the door after them and thought of going back to my room to give them time to talk and cherish their sweet reunion. I can hear Aunt Becky gushing about Michael, that he looked taller, more handsome. She can’t stop talking and throwing questions to her son, not even giving him a chance to answer! Michael just laughed at her. Michael dropped his bags in the hallway and followed his mom to the kitchen. I was like in a trance and followed them too. I could not miss this chance to be up close and personal with my secret crush! I should have took a minute to get a robe upstairs, but I do not also want to miss the chance to serve Michael's favorite food. When I got inside the kitchen, I saw Aunt Becky taking the left-over lasagna from the fridge. I immediately got to her side and told her, “Just sit with Michael, Aunt Becky. I’ll take charge of this.” “Thank you, sweetheart.” Then she went to sit across Michael at the breakfast counter. I placed a serving of the pasta on a plate and put it inside the microwave. “What would you like to drink?” I put the question out in the open, too shy to ask Michael directly. “I will just have coffee please,” Michael said politely. I looked over my shoulder and nodded at him. I’m sure Aunt Becky will have coffee too, so I put enough water in the coffee maker. I worked silently, while the two of them talk. I can hear them, but not understanding what they are talking about. My mind seemed too focus at the tone of his voice. The rich baritone that I would like to hear for the rest of my life. I placed the food in front of him and stepped back to prepare the coffee. I took a tray and placed the cups with the coffee and separate containers of sugar and cream on it. I also got a bottle of water from the fridge for Michael. When I have placed the drinks on the counter, I turned to Aunt Becky, “I will just be in my room, Aunt Becky. Just let me know if you need anything.” I am not a “family” for me to stay any longer than needed. “Oh, Olivia. I’m so sorry to trouble you, sweetheart, but could you arrange the bedroom for Michael please? He will be staying here for a while.” “No worries. I will take care ot it.” I smiled, before I went up to the room across mine.  I had arranged the room as requested by Aunt Becky. And just to be sure, I also wiped the surfaces clean. We only get to clean the rest of the house every weekend. I opened the windows a little bit to get the air circulating inside the room. I also put new toiletries inside the ensuite bathroom. We keep stocks just in case we get to have guests sleeping over. Most of the time it was Bianca who gets to use the extra toothbrush. I would have placed my diffuser inside the room too, to make Michael’s sleep much better. But I am not sure Michael would appreciate those kind of things. My favorite scent was lavender and bamboo, and they make me calm before I go to sleep. I stepped out of the room and went inside mine. I laid down on my bed and covered myself with my blanket up to my shoulders. I stared at the ceiling thinking that this day had been the most incredible day in my life. Can I say life-changing too? I started to get nervous as it seemed to be too good to be true. I reached for my phone on my bedside table and looked through my secret folder. From there I stared at one of the many photos of Michael that I secretly sent from Aunt Becky’s phone. “I do not know if there is any future for us together. It must be only a coincidence for you to be here, after I promised my best friend to date other guys if I lost in the election. But I won, and here you are.” I stared some more at my phone and after a moment, I put it back on the bedside table. I would have texted Bianca, but I no longer have the energy for a long chat. So I just closed my eyes, and hoped that Michael will visit me in my dreams.
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