Chapter 1-4

1970 Words
“ You"ll be here for a few days, so make yourself comfortable. I"ve never had non-vampire guests, so if you need anything, feel free to ask,” He added later, taking off his raincoat. I suddenly felt like a guest and not a prisoner. Blake also seemed more relaxed and with no intention of harming me, so I humored him by pretending to be comfortable. Besides, I didn"t think he meant to harm me, otherwise he would have killed me in the crypt already, or he certainly wouldn"t have saved me from Will. A small part of me felt safe with him, even if I didn"t know for how long. I sat down calmly on the white leather sofa. As soon as I leaned on that soft sofa, I realized how tired and aching my muscles were. I leaned against the back of the sofa, breathing deeply. “ Do you want to go to the bathroom to freshen up?” he asked me, trying to hide his discomfort with the kindness. This change of his surprised me a lot and for a moment I thought that he would not be a barbarian animal having that ability. Above all, until now, he had not yet shown that he wanted to harm me. Apparently it looked better than what Cardinal Siringer had described to me. He was certainly less dangerous than Will. I really needed a bath, but I didn"t dare be so confident. I got up from the sofa and immediately noticed that I had left a huge dirty stain on the white leather. I had slept for hours in that hole in the crypt. How could you think I wasn"t that dirty? If I was at home with my aunt, I would be scolded. "Oh my God! I soiled the couch. I"m really sorry. If you give me a sponge, I...” I immediately tried to apologize with a guilty look. I had just ruined his perfect paradise and was afraid I had pissed him off. «It’s alright. I"ll take care of it. You wash yourself and I"ll order dinner in the meantime» "Why? Do you vampires eat?” I let it slip without realizing it. “ Not usually, but you do, I suppose. Do you have preferences? I wanted to refuse, but the rumblings of my stomach and tiredness got the better of me. «Red meat, if possible», I stammered in embarrassment, heading to the bathroom, wondering if I was going to poison myself. «Okay», he said to me, taking the cell phone out of his pants pocket. Meanwhile, I locked myself in the bathroom. The tiles were green, like those on the floor, though a lighter shade. I could choose between the bathtub or the shower. I chose the fastest thing. I didn"t want to stay in that bath for too long and afterwards the opaque walls of the shower would protect me from possible indiscretions. I quickly undressed and quickly got into the shower. The jet of hot water fell on my head and back, instantly relaxing me. I lingered under that jet for a long time before using the oak-scented shampoo I found on the edge of the tub. I rubbed the soap on myself calmly, pampered by that scent that vaguely reminded me of Blake"s. I realized that I was so tired and upset that I couldn"t be as alert as I wanted and should be. After cleaning myself up, I cautiously stepped out of the shower and noticed that Blake had hung two towels and clean but oversized clothes over the edge of the tub: a green sweater and black sports pants that fastened with a tie at the bottom. . He probably wanted to make sure I didn"t do stupid s**t again, like the couch thing. I dressed quickly and got out of the shower with my hair still wet, streaming down my back. The clothes smelled like Blake and that scent enveloped me in a tender embrace. Despite being a vampire, Blake had a really good scent. It was the first time I was in contact with a man"s intimacy: his house, his clothes, his perfume... As soon as I entered the lounge, I saw him fumbling with the stove and emptying two shopping bags, which were propped up on the kitchen counter. That very familiar, almost intimate atmosphere that had formed reassured me, so I decided to approach. Besides, Aunt Cecília always said that you get more things with good manners, so I decided to behave in a kind way. "Here I am! Do you need help?" I asked, seeing him struggle to light the gas. Blake stared at the stove before turning to me. He had an unreadable look, but he watched me for a long time. Finally, he approached, grabbed a lock of my wet hair and with a very slow movement began to play with it. He seemed mesmerized, as I was by his magnetic eyes and the unexpected caress, which sent shivers down my spine. Then he suddenly pulled his hand away from me, as if he"d been burned by that contact, and continued to stare at his immaculate kitchen. “ You are dripping on the floor. The hair dryer is in the cupboard under the sink » he muttered in an annoyed yet troubled tone. I mumbled some kind of apology and ran to the bathroom to get the hairdryer. I dried my hair as quickly as possible, trying to comb it as best as I could. «I brought you this» I heard a voice behind me, which made me jump in fright. I turned around and was facing Blake. He was passing me a bag. "Peter, the man who led us here, brought you some things thinking they might be useful," he told me. I took the bag and opened it. There was a comb, a toothbrush, a moisturizer and a package of pads. "Thank you," I whispered, but Blake had already left the room. I combed my hair in a hurry, letting my hair fall softly down my back. After I prepared myself, I felt much better. I also put a bandage on the injured knee and went to Blake. He barely saw me, he immediately informed me about dinner. «I sent Peter to buy something to eat. I hope it all goes well. I sent him because he was turned into a vampire a few years ago and he knows the current habits well. » I peered into the bags. There were several frozen ones, a mashed potato prep, and four big, thick beef steaks. Since I saw Blake completely lost, I decided to take charge of the situation. I immediately grabbed the meat and started looking for a frying pan. Fortunately, I found it along with plates, cutlery and glasses. I took what was needed and prepared the table. I showed Blake how to light the stove. «First you have to turn the knob and then press the button to turn on, see?». Then I heated the skillet well and put two steaks. The smell of the food made a hole in my stomach. I was terribly hungry. I made them bake a little. I liked them rare. Finally, I put my plate on the table and sat down, ready to enjoy that steak. Blake sat down next to me and began to watch me, intrigued. Under his inquisitive gaze, I cut the meat with the knife, letting the blood from its interior drip onto the plate. It looked like butter, such a shape was tender. I put a big mouthful in my mouth and savored that taste I had been used to for years, but which I always defined as delicious. I immediately noticed Blake"s once again unreadable gaze. It was impossible to know what he was thinking. “ Do you want some?” I asked him to break the ice. He nodded, “I must admit that watching you made me want to try that steak too. I haven"t touched normal food in ages». I tried to ignore the meaning of that last sentence and concentrated on cutting a piece of the meat and putting it on a plate. I was amazed by his refined and elegant way of cutting the meat and taking it to his mouth, chewing it slowly. "Good," he admitted after he"d swallowed a mouthful. I smiled at him satisfied, continuing to eat. “ Doesn’t all this blood disgust you?” he asked me again. "Not really. I"m used to it. At home I eat it every day» I revealed. "Are you a vampire too?" He teased me. "No, I"m anemic" I explained in a light tone of voice. "It"s not true," he declared with a firm tone of voice and a wary look. «I assure you. I have a very rare form of anaemia, which makes me extremely weak. So I have to follow a certain diet. It"s always been like this since I was born,” I said, hoping not to reveal anything compromising. «You are not anemic» he confirmed with conviction. “ I tell you yes”. His determination started to make me nervous. “ You don"t smell like an anemic, weak and insipid. On the contrary, yours is intense and persistent. It"s so strong that you can feel it from afar. It was precisely because of this characteristic of yours that I was able to find you quickly in that crypt. Therefore, you are not anemic”. «Rather yes». "No". "Yes". That conversation was starting to send me into a crisis. Auntie wouldn"t lie to me about something like that, but it"s also true that in the last few days I"ve discovered that many of the things I had always believed were just a bunch of lies. However, I could not believe that this too was a hoax. I got really bad and weakened easily if I didn"t take my hemodoses. I had to be anemic. But what if there was something more serious? Auntie wouldn"t lie to me about this! I was troubled by this doubt that was sown in my mind. No, it wasn"t possible! But... I felt my eyes fill with tears. A little more and it would have given in. I got up and Blake did the same. With all the strength I had left in my body, I shouted at him with contempt: “But what do you care, vampire? I"m anemic. End of discussion». For a moment Blake looked at me in disbelief, but he recovered quickly and immediately tried to piss me off. «Okay, don"t think about crying again» he teased me, seeing me on the verge of tears. Under other circumstances, I would have proudly pulled myself together and ignored those manipulative teasing, but right now, after such an overwhelming day, my mind wasn"t so reactive. I acted without thinking and smacked him full in the face with all the strength in my body. In that gesture were all my despair and anger. It was all his fault I found myself in that situation! For a long second Blake didn"t move a muscle as I let the tears fall. It was the first time I hit someone and I was upset. He was shaking with rage and frustration. Suddenly, Blake grabbed my arms with two lethal arms, emitting a ferocious roar that stopped my breath as he brought his tense, angry face close to mine, fixing me with his icy, menacing eyes. I glimpsed his elongated canines protruding from his mouth. I realized what I had done and I felt myself breaking down. I fell asleep. I dreamed that Kevin called me. I was trying to reach him and when I finally managed to hug him, I discovered that it was Blake.
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