Chapter 10-2

2238 Words

“Do you remember the time Jenny the Juggler and Mad Andy got into it?” Star was saying as Torak came into the room where River was lying so pale and still. “Jenny started tossing his pigeons at him, and he was running around in circles not knowing what to do, trying to catch the damn things. It was the funniest thing until he ran into the pole when he wasn’t looking and knocked himself out. Poor Jenny cried for a week every time she saw his face after that. No one had the heart to tell her he had already broken his nose on more than one occasion, so it wasn’t her fault it was so crooked.” Jo laughed. “Yeah, and remember the time the monkeys got loose and stole the clowns’ cars? They drove them all around the rink, running over Walter’s foot, and knocking poor Marcus into the tank he was f

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