Chapter 6-4

1189 Words

The girls had been in the ventilation system for three days, moving from level to level and driving the men nuts. The vents were too small for the men to get into, and the girls were too smart to stay in any one place long enough to get caught. They now had a new challenge. Torak, Manota, and Jazin had stationed men in the larger emergency tubes in an effort to catch the girls. Manota poured over the schematics of the ship while Jazin paced back and forth. Torak sat at the table in the conference room with his head between his hands, growling in frustration. They were supposed to be on Kassis tomorrow. He had no idea how he was going to explain his missing mate and her two friends to the council members who had requested they be presented to the assembly. “Any luck?” Jazin growled, frust

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