Chapter 6-2

614 Words

“What do you mean, she’s gone?” Manota asked in disbelief. “Where could she have gone?” Torak ran his hand through his hair, flushing. He had finally had to break down the door to his bathroom only to find River gone. He knew the only place she could have gone was into the ventilation system. He had called to her over and over to come out, but she had not responded. When he had torn the grill off the opening so he could at least get his head up inside the vent to look around, he didn’t see her. “She’s in the ventilation system,” Torak muttered, brushing his hand over his neck. “And why is your mate in the ventilation system?” Jazin asked, puzzled. “She wanted me to rescind my claim on her,” Torak muttered softly. “What?” Manota asked, irritated. “She wanted you to what?” Torak turned

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