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Camille POV After Remi left me all alone, I roamed around admiring every artwork exhibited. I wish I had bought Alina with me but it was based on an invitation and coming to an Art Gallery as big as AX requires a lot of money which Alina and I don't have When I was done looking around, I Went back to my paintings but then I saw a man staring at them. The man must be a fan of wolves or something for him to stare at my paintings for so long. "Who painted this wolf?" He asked the lady beside him and I recognized her as the rude lady from the entrance of the gallery. "They must be a couple," I thought as I watched both of them. "I have no idea, sir. Remi and Isabella picked the artist. Is there a problem sir?" The lady asked yet again. If she is using Sir then it means they were not

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