109. Kicks and punchs

1014 Words

Upon completing his college hours, he would rush to the RV company and personally attend to its affairs. Recognizing his son's aptitude for business at such a young age, Virat often contemplated passing on the reins of the company to Shabad, allowing himself to retire and spend the remaining years in comfort with Ranjana. Shabad understood that his father's health was not as robust as it used to be. Virat desired to devote more time to Ranjana rather than the business. Thus, Shabad took it upon himself to expedite the process of taking over the company, ensuring his parents could enjoy a fulfilling life together. On this particular day, after their customary meal, Shabad retreated to the study room to attend to company matters, while Virat retired to his room as usual. However, to Virat'

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