#Chapter 71: Preparing For Battle

1286 Words

"Oh my goddess," Amy gasped, her hand flying to her mouth. "Do you think he's the one who attacked Jessica?" Charles and I looked at each other and despite being together less than a week, I see we instantly understand each other. I shrugged. "There's no way of knowing right now," I said. "He's probably still in jail. And until we know for sure we shouldn't jump to conclusions." Amy nodded. I see Cathy look at Todd and watch in approval as he gives her hand a reassuring squeeze. "Todd," Charles said thoughtfully. "What are the chances this could have been faked?" "Faked? In what way?" "Maybe these aren't the actual people here or the voices are being made to sound like they're saying something they aren't." Todd nodded and thought for a moment. "There's always that possibility, but

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