#Chapter 83: Life Upended

1345 Words

“In there,” Governor Kruck continued, explaining the paperwork, “Are the details of your new personal security team.” He heaved a huge sigh. “Rather extravagant for a reporter, but there it is.” He’d muttered this, but not too quietly for Elena to hear. Charles clearly heard as well because a fresh frown settled on his face. “Anyway,” Governor Kruck pressed on, his tone overbright and sticky sweet, “having you settled in the city of Lupinton will allow us to protect you like the asset you are.” I scowled at this barely veiled disrespect. How could he? Suddenly, facing him directly wasn’t the trouble I thought it might be. I straightened my back and glared at him with disapproval. What right did he have to talk about me like one might discuss a slug? If anyone was slimy, it was him. Ye

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