#Chapter 97: Another Move?

1560 Words

It took another twenty-five minutes before Governor Kruck finally opened the door and entered the room, wearing a very satisfied smile. He crossed to the table and sat directly across from Charles, folding his hands on the expanse of wood in front of him. “I do hope I didn’t keep you too long,” he said in his typically oily tone. “I would hate to inconvenience such an important alpha as yourself.” Charles made a face at him. Governor Kruck ignored this. “Governor’s business. I’m sure you understand, seeing as how you have a family empire to run, as well.” He chuckled to himself. “Or maybe not so much now.” “What’s that supposed to mean,” Charles snapped? “It means things are going to drastically change in your life. You see, we tried to do this in a nice way. We tried to offer you sec

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