#Chapter 12: Reunion Misery

1380 Words

The mixing of scents was intoxicating. Almost 600 different scents mingling along with the pheromones exuded when we were nervous, excited, or feeling attracted to someone. It was one of the best parts of social gatherings. Pausing for a moment, I could tune in and out, experience them as a glorious whole like a symphony, or conversely, I could hone my senses to focus on a single scent in the crowd. I focused on my olfactory system, searching, exploring ... No vetiver. He hadn't come. Not that I thought he would, but I couldn't help feeling sorry for Cathy and some of those whose reason for attending the reunion was to see him. I, however, was relieved. I didn't know what I was going to tell people about our work relationship, and facing 598 people I never thought I'd have to see agai

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