#Chapter 95: Bad News Comes Knocking

1281 Words

By the time we went to bed that night, I had tried fifty different ways of asking Charles if we could just leave everything else behind and come live here in Brindle Cove. He could run Rafe Media remotely and just put managers in charge to do the daily grind for him. Leaving behind the city didn’t have to mean losing the business. But every time I tried to open my mouth, I’d stopped. Charles wasn’t that kind of man. I mean, he was definitely family-oriented, more so than I’d ever realized. I’d seen that sign of him this weekend. But he was an alpha, and he needed to be hands-on with his business. Or he wouldn’t be satisfied. He needed to be leading people. It was his nature. Asking him to give that up and retire would be like asking him to give up a central part of himself. I wasn’t the

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