Chapter Nine

1733 Words

Chapter NineFor Swift and Zeke, learning the Vox language was torture. More accurately, it was a prelude to torture. Until the humans understood Vox, at least a little, their interrogators could not pry information out of them. That much of what was going on, Swift thought he had figured out. Now if he could just figure out what the latest image on the instructional display was supposed to represent, he would be happy. "Vrawla chio," repeated the bronze-furred Vox who was doing most of the tutoring…and who, presumably, would do his part in torturing the humans when the lessons were done. Not that the lessons themselves weren't torture. Some of the images that had appeared on the display were obvious: a cloud ("inklitah" in Vox); a tree ("oorishilo"); a rock ("machop"); two Vox eati

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