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Neil could not understand how a total stranger had him wrapped around her finger, it was not just her beautiful brown eyes, her wild curls, and her beautiful full lips that had him in knots, but her voice, the way she lit up when she smiled.   Even three hours after he had arrived back at his hotel room, he was still thinking about her. Realizing that he was losing his mind, Neil slapped himself over the head.   “You are on vacation and not here to have a fling with some unknown woman” Neil repeated to himself, hoping that his words would sink in but sadly for him, his efforts were useless.   So what if you have a fling? You both are adults and you both understand the rules of the game. Neil’s mind kept taunting him and for a second he liked the idea of having a fling with Semi but he was convinced that what he felt for Semi was more than just wanting to sleep with her.   Neil turned his attention to his bed where his phone rang, without looking at the caller he knew just who it was, especially when no one else had his number.   “Evening Amber” Neil greeted his assistant who was also his best friend. Neil quickly shut his eyes as he realized just how upset he sounded when answering the phone.   “Wow! I wonder who got your panties in a bunch.” Amber joked, there was once a time when Neil would smile at her jabs but he was too irritated to smile and too annoyed to give Amber any information on Semi.   “Nothing, I just had a busy day that’s all. Anyway, I have just realized that there were some files I needed to get from you that way I can—”   “No!” Amber’s voice rang through his side of the phone and her answer left Neil confused. “I beg your pardon?” Neil asked Amber.   “Neil I said no, my goodness you are on vacation and all you can think about is work!” Amber told him, as she sounded annoyed with him. Neil could not fault her, working and not resting had become part of his life, he breathes work and he even ate it.   “Amber dear, I cannot help to think that you are out there doing everything by yourself” Neil tried to explain but Amber was not having any of his explanation.    “Who says I am alone in this? Neil you have over three hundred staff members working for you and every one of them is capable of doing their job without you looking over their shoulders”  Neil let out a breath, being away from work for almost two days was getting to him and he felt unproductive most of the time.   “I have no doubt that I have an amazing group of talented individuals working for me but to sit and just do nothing that is getting to me” Neil tried to make his claim but Amber’s silence reinforced that she did not care what he thought.   “Neil you are on vacation so act like it and also everything is going well without you both your sibling have taken up jobs at the office” Amber’s confession knocked Neil out of his mind. For years, he had tried getting both his brother and sister to join the family business but it seemed as though neither was interested.   Still, in shock that Amber had managed to do the impossible, Neil sat on his bed, still in disbelief.   “How did you manage to do that?” Neil asked Amber who sounded pleased on the other end of the phone.   “Well, I simply brought forth my proposition to the board of directors, stating that the allowance that you gave your siblings weekly was a useless expenditure. Within no time it was canceled” Neil had always known that Amber was capable of doing her work but he had not realized that she was the key to solving his problems.   “How did my sibling take this news?” Neil asked her, keeping in mind that his siblings hated when they did not get what they asked for.   “Well they did not take the news lightly, your sister stormed into my office yelling about how unfair the world was to her” Upon hearing that, Neil laughed aloud, that sounded just like his little sister.   “You sound like you know your sister very well then?” Amber asked Neil and even he could not deny that his sister was the queen of tantrums.   “Yes that sounds like my sister, she is known for yelling until she gets what she wants,” Neil told Amber but then he went silent. For years, he had built up his grandfather’s failing company from the ground. In the effort to give his family the good life, he had lost his life, as he was buried in piles of files and bills that needed to be paid.   “Are you still there?” Amber’s voice awoke Neil from the hold that his mind had him in as he heard Amber call out to him.   “Sorry, I was just thinking I guess. Anyway, thank you for all that you have done and I know it seems like I am not grateful but I am” Neil thanked Amber, his voice low and not as commanding as it always was. Inwardly, Neil was tired of being the fixer of everything. He was getting older with time and he knew that he needed to stop living for everyone else.   “You are welcome and besides I have to leave now, I have to check up on your siblings before they set the building on fire” Amber joked and soon she ended the call but her advice for him to relax and have fun lingered in the air of his hotel room.   Neil stood up from his bed as he realized that he did indeed need a shower, besides that he had made up his mind, he was going to enjoy this vacation and he would enjoy himself. Even if it meant pursuing Semi, then that is what he would do.   **   Semi looked at the pictures that the young man she paid and even she had to admit that it was not the best of pictures but it was better than getting nothing. The young man had snapped pictures of her and Neil even though she had specifically told him to avoid getting her in the shot.   “It’s okay; I will simply crop myself out of the picture as soon as I can” Semi told herself angrily, now all she needed was information on Neil’s newest project and what secrets he was keeping. At this point Semi was desperate, she would take anything at this moment and time, even if it meant snapping a picture of Neil and some unknown woman.   There was no way that she would allow her trip to go to waste, especially when she had come to Kenya of all places. Semi turned her head as she heard a knock on her door, she knew that it could not have possible been room service as she had not ordered anything.    Semi walked over to her door and indeed, it was room services, after all, the young woman stood in front of Semi with a tray in hand and a smile on her face.   “Greetings madam, I have brought you your food,” the young woman informed Semi, who by the way was still stunned and utterly confused that a tray of food was brought to her even though she did not order it.    “I am sorry but I think you are mistaken but I did not order any food,” Semi informed the young woman but the young woman simply smiled at her.   “I know that madam but Mr. Neil Johnson asked that this be brought to you, no need to worry but he has covered the bill” the young server responded. For a moment, Semi was lost, wondering who this Mr. Neil Johnson was but then it clicked and she smiled.   “Come on in” Semi welcomed the server into her room. The young server walked over and placed the tray of food onto Semi’s table. As she was about to walk out Semi called her back and tried to tip the young woman for bringing her food to her.   “No madam, Mr. Johnson had already tipped me” the young woman honestly responded to her and with a final smile, she exited Semi’s room.   Semi turned her attention to her table, staring at the tray of food before her and suddenly her stomach growled with hunger. She walked over to the table to examine the contents inside at it was just then that she realized how hungry she truly was.   She smiled at herself; thinking of Neil why had chosen the alias Johnson. For now, she would just play along with his game, for she was not interested in knowing him. All Semi wanted was her big break and why Neil lied about his identity, she simply did not care. Just before she could eat her food, Semi found a little card on the side of the tray.   Hope you enjoy the food, seeing that you did not have much to eat at the Safari. If I had offended you in any way, then I am deeply sorry. P.S enjoy your food.   N.J    
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