1358 Words

CHAPTER TWENTY SIX ZOE’S POV “Then I asked him out for drinks of course with you tagging along so it would not appear like a date or something. I was just trying to be friendly but he turned me down. Can you believe that? It made me feel super stupid,” I ranted to Elisa over the phone as I paced about in the living room. It was almost eleven p.m. in the night and here I was, probably boring Elisa out of her mind. Veronica had long gone to bed, living me alone. Ryan was still out and only God knows how long he was going to be out. I had no idea why I was even this bothered by just a mere rejection by Reagan.   “That’s because you were,” She replied with a chuckle.   “Oh come on Ely. This is the part where you tell me that I was not absolutely stupid,” I sighed, gripping my hair lightl

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