1102 Words

CHAPTER EIGHTEEN ZOE’S POV “Um…that’s creepy for starters and what the hell are you even doing?” my eyes narrowed in suspicion at the closeness we were currently in. This was in no way what I had expected to wake up to even though my heart would not stop fluttering at his glorious face just inches away from mine.   As though he was waking up from sort of coma, he straightened up, running a hand through his hair, leaving it one hell of a sexy mess. Now, that was something I would have loved to call a sexy hero move straight from a romance novel. Just like that, his expression changed, hardening into what I was beginning to get used to.   “Maybe I would not be trending right now, if it were not for you,” That’s was not the answer I had expected.   “Trending because of me? That’s high

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