5- It's just a stupid dance

1963 Words
Standing at my locker, I felt his gaze burning into my back. It has been months since the last encounter when he returned to my house for the second time. When my mother put him in his place. Homecoming was Saturday and I heard that it was so much fun, I didn't go but everyone wanted to share their dance stories with me anyway. His constant gaze fixated on me always left me feeling uncomfortable; I was always feeling so unsettled knowing he was watching me closely with my friends while we hung out at my locker. My locker has become our little meeting place. Everyone came here, some knew why but not everyone did. This year, because my locker was next to Ruben's, he started hanging out there more. Since he and Jesse were right next to mine, the rest of their gang naturally started hanging out there too. I hated having my locker right next to his, and I even tried to move my locker, but the main office wouldn't let me. Despite the fact she was a Junior and we weren't supposed to share lockers, Suri agreed to share one anyway because she didn't want me to deal with those guys on my own. One day before classes, we were all hanging around my locker laughing at jokes and talking about things. Jake knowing the entire back story made sure he was always around. Jake was built like a brick house, so whenever he was around people tended to leave him alone. Suri and I knew it was just his outer shell; inside he was a soft teddy bear willing to help if he had to. While we stood there laughing, I noticed Ruben and Jesse make their way toward Ruben's locker while chuckling out loud. "Psst, Makena your boyfriends are watching you again!" Now I knew he was just teasing me, but the comment just ticked me off. "What did you say? He's not my boyfriend, you of all people should know this!" I screamed in his face, shoving him away from me. When he fell over, I was surprised, and I could tell he was too, because he did nothing for a second and just stared up at me. I was fuming mad; my friends never played that joke on me. They all knew I hated him, so I didn't even bother to ask if he was okay. I just walked away, right past Jesse who appeared to be watching me with interest. I walk to my first class of the day; I had chemistry with none other than Jesse Campbell. That day, he sat right next to me. I did my best to ignore him, but he wasn't taking the hint. He got angry. "So I have a question..." I kept silent, trying to pay attention to the lesson the teacher was giving about cells. "So why did he say that today?" he asks, nudging at my side as the teacher shows a video segment on molecules dividing. "You heard what he said?" I turn my attention to him, looking into his face with wide eyes. "Yep, I was kind of within earshot," he whispers, sending me one of his cocky grins. I rolled my eyes towards the ceiling. "Apparently, people love to make jokes about s**t they shouldn't!" I shook my head and asked for the hall pass. I have to get out of there, because being near him always made me feel nervous and trapped somehow. Once I was in the hallway, I let out a big sigh. Why couldn't I just catch a break? I decided to go into the women's restroom since that was the excuse I gave to my teacher. I splashed some cold water on my face, because I really needed to clear my head. Walking back out of the bathroom, I bump into something hard. So hard that I am knocked to the ground, hearing a deep laugh, I look up to see Ruben standing in my way. He reaches out to me, as he continues to laugh. "You should watch where you're going, you could seriously hurt yourself if you don't." He smiles down into my face, I put my hand in his and let him help me back up. Standing up, I brush off my pants and bend down to pick up my hall pass. I turn to walk away, but feel as he places his hand on my shoulder stopping me from leaving. I sigh a little and turn around to face him. "What?" "I think I should tell you something," he says cautiously. "Okay, what?" I fold my arms across my chest, furrowing my brows as I look at his face. "He likes you!" "What? Who?" I ask with wide eyes. "Shouldn't you two be in class?" I turn to see one of my least favorite teachers approaching us. As Jesse's football coach and favorite teacher, he was super close with this guy. I saw them talking all the time. "Yes, I'm heading back to class right now!" I replied to his question. "So go now." I heed his warning and twirl around and walk away. I heard him scold Ruben for something, so I picked up my pace so that I didn't get into trouble. After I returned the hall pass to the teacher, I walked back to my empty seat next to Jesse. I put my head on my hand, and faced away from him, trying to block him out. But to no avail, he clears his throat trying to get my attention. I didn't want to talk to him at all, but I couldn't help but turn my attention back to him. "WHAT?" "So who is watching you?" I studied his face, he was serious in his question. He wanted to know. I didn't know how to reply, I couldn't just come out and tell him he's the one Jake was talking about, could I? So, I pivoted... "Oh, he was just joking around about some guy he wants to hook me up with." I lied through my teeth. Wait, was that anger I just saw flash in his eyes? "Okay, tell me his name," he demanded, but before I could respond, the teacher called his name. He had just asked a question about the video, I wasn't even sure if he was paying attention so I was surprised when he answered the question correctly. The teacher scoffs, "Let's all focus, stop the talking!" Then he turns back to his whiteboard to discuss the video. I wasn't sure if he would give up or not, but when he cleared his throat, I turned back to him. "So?" Rolling my eyes at him, "Okay, his name is Tomas." I lie, saying the first name that came to mind. "Tomas? Tomas who?" He inquires looking curious. I smile, "You wouldn't know him, since he doesn't go here," I say, trying to remain focused on the teacher. "Really?" He smirked at me. "Really!" I smile back. "Then tell me how he could have been watching you in the hallway. What's really going on here?" My stomach dropped, I wondered if he knew. What was I going to say? As the bell rang, I grabbed my books and made my way out of there as fast as I could. I was surprised to see that Jake was already leaning against my locker. "Hey, Mak... I'm so sorry, I wasn't trying to offend or upset you. I was just joking with you." "I'm sorry, too," I say opening my locker to grab my supplies for my next class. "But you know what? The whole thing made Jesse sit next to me in class. He asked me about the whole thing. I tried to tell him that all you were talking about was Tomas, but he didn't buy it." "Really, that sucks, I'm so sorry. I should have just kept my mouth shut." I give him a hug to let him know I wasn't pissed at him. I grab my belongings and head to my favorite class of the day. ART! In art I didn't have to be concerned about the things going on, I could lose myself in whatever I was creating. The assignment we were working on was a self-portrait in a way. We were painting our favorite pair of shoes. I chose my denim slip-ons. They had a heel to them, and they were so cute! Even my teacher thought so. After the bell rang and we were excused I was glad I had put everything in my bag, so I did not have to go back to my locker. I head to the busses instead. As I walked out the door and turned to go towards my bus, I thought I heard my name being called. But I tell myself to keep walking; I can hear it being called again, but I ignore it. I was about to climb onto the bus when a hand reaches out and grabs hold of my shoulder, pulling me back into a hard chest. I let out a scream as two giant arms wrapped themselves around me, preventing me from getting away. "Stop it, I'm not going to hurt you!" he whispered into my ear, sending shivers down my spine. He continued to breath down my neck. "What do you want now, Jesse?" I ask as I struggle to free myself from his hold. "You." I froze when I heard the sarcasm in his voice. What on earth was he talking about? "What?" I said, trying to keep my voice steady as I spoke. "You... It's so fun to tease you! ", he said sending his hot breath down my neck again. I didn't like what this was doing to me. "Whatever, Jesse, let me go," I say raising my voice. "I wanted to ask you something earlier, but when the bell rung you took off so fast, I never got the chance." He growls out next to my ear. "What?" "I wanna know if you're going to make prom?" He spoke slowly, making sure he sent his breaths down my neck. I couldn't stand what it was doing to my body. So I started trying to wiggle free. "I'm not going to prom, Jesse!" I kept my response simple, giving up on my attempts to get free. Every time I wiggled he tightened his grip. It just wasn't going to happen unless someone stopped him or he simply let go. "Really? Why not?" He turned me around so I was now facing him, but he held onto my wrist, keeping me close to him. "I don't want to go because it's just a stupid dance anyway," I replied to his question. "It's not a stupid dance, Makena. It's a time-old tradition. You should go, a bunch of us are going stag. I was kind of hoping your group was going to go like you did the last dance. So I could you know at least get a dance from you, I know I'm not allowed to take you as my date." He says softly, looking down into my eyes. "I'm sorry, I've got other plans for that night!" I say. "Really? What are your plans?" I could tell he was having a difficult time keeping his cool when I wasn't giving him what he wanted. "Hey let her go!" Jesse dropped my wrist, and I ran to the bus. I didn't care what Jake did to him, I just wanted to leave. I didn't get to see what went down since the bus took off for home. I was so grateful to the bus, because I didn't have to stand around and watch two guys have a fight.
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