7- Saying bye and moving on

1542 Words
I stood looking into the mirror, I looked so tired. I hadn't gotten any sleep since what happened yesterday kept running through my head, preventing me from sleeping soundly. Today I was walking the line with my class, and I was going to be seeing him one last time. Would I be able to keep my cool knowing what I know today? "OMG Makena, you look absolutely stunning!" Trinity practically yells as she walks into my room, clapping her hands together in excitement. She eyed me up and down admiring my dress. I was wearing a shorter white spaghetti strapped dress trimmed in black, with sexy black high heels, black pearls necklace, and bracelet that matched. I felt sexy, I wanted to make him drool if he really liked me like that, but my gown would cover my dress for most of it. "I can't believe we are graduating today!" "I know exactly what you mean, it all went by so quickly," I reply to her with a smile on my face. My mom informed her parents that she would get her there for the ceremony as they wanted us to prepare a few hours in advance. Trinity's parents were unable to leave the office early but planned on coming straight to the graduation ceremony to watch her receive her diploma. She looked pretty too. She was wearing a deep purple dress with deep purple high heels. Her dad will be there to watch it all, but her mom will miss most of it since she gets off about an hour after it starts. "Promise me you'll stay in touch with me even if we go our separate ways... I will miss you, girl!" She says softly as I start crying and hugs me tightly. I whisper, "I will, I promise," to her as she lets me go. She wipes away my tear and smiles at me. We both knew that our relationship had suffered, but we still cared deeply for each other. "Girls, we have to get going or we are going to be late!" My mother yelled from the living room. I laughed as a tear fell from her gorgeous face as we walked out. I could tell how proud she was of us when she brought us both in for a tight group hug. Once we got to the center where the event was taking place, I watched as she tried to find a parking spot. After she found one, we walked toward the building and I saw Jesse's car and immediately felt butterflies in my stomach. He was here, I would have to see him one more time. He liked me, did I like him back? Why couldn't I stop thinking about this whole thing, about him? I found my place in line and stood there to wait for them to tell us what to do next. Looking up, I became aware of Jesse and his group approaching. My stomach dropped as I locked eyes with him. I looked away from him and focused on the girl in front of me. I tried to ignore the glances towards me. I watched as Jesse stopped and watched as Ruben moved toward me. While trying to ignore him, I start talking to the girl in line behind me. I knew who she was, but I've never really talked to her before. I preferred to stick with my friends since that was easier. I didn't go to school to become popular anyway. "Hey Makena," he says as he steps up beside me. "Hey!" "I guess I'm in front of you." He smiles at me. "It makes sense since E comes before I.." I laugh nervously, he looks at me and then raises an eyebrow. As we walked toward our seats, I silently hoped that I wouldn't have to sit by him the whole time. When we stopped, I noticed he was taking the second to last seat in from the end. I took my seat next to him while the girl behind me started down the row behind us. I was simply going to have to ignore him. "Psst..." He looks at me, trying to get my attention. Glancing at him, "Did you just psst me?" I whisper, trying to keep my eyes forward. Yes, I did, I wanted to apologize properly. Some of what happened weren't right. Jesse could have handled things better than he did!" I turn my attention to him. "You know what, it's all good." I send him a warm smile. "Really?" He asks in shock. "I try not to dwell on things in the past, since they are in the past and nobody can control what their friends do," I tell him as I turn my attention back to the principal, hoping he'll get the hint that I don't want to sit there and talk to him. He clears his throat before asking. "So what is next for you?" I wasn't sure if he was trying to fish for information for his friend or if he genuinely wanted to know the answer. Choosing to answer his question, "Well, I'm not sure. I'm actually thinking of going to the local college here. My mom could really use my help with my little sister so I can't go too far away. I might just take a gap year and just get a job. I really haven't decided yet!" I send him a smile, I noticed Jesse who was sitting a few rows up and over from us. He kept glancing back in our direction, and he looked very angry at Ruben for some reason, I watched as he sent him a full grin. "What about you?" I asked, trying to ignore the glares from Jesse. "Oh me, I'm joining up." He says softly, and watch as he plays with his hands. "What?" "Yeah, I leave for basic training two weeks from now!" He smiled back at me. As happy and satisfied as he looked, I couldn't help remember how much he hated his dad, and how he swore to never join up. "Are you serious right now? I thought you said you hated the military?" I snapped. "I do!" "So then why are you joining up?" I asked him, I needed to know. "You see, my Dad said if I wanted to go to college, I would have to join the military as I didn't receive a scholarship." He explained to me. "I was supposed to join the Air Force, but I didn't do that." "What did you join?" I ask. "I joined the Army!" He answers with a small smile. "Wow, so where are you going to basic at?" "I am actually headed to Fort Still, Oklahoma!" He whispers, leaning in closer to me. "Really? Why there?" This entire conversation made me wonder and hope Jesse was also leaving the state. "Well that's just we're they told me to report to, Basic is ten weeks in length. Then I'll head into MOS training after that, mine is another ten weeks for that training as well." I widen my eyes for a sec, taking my attention off of him, and faced forward. I caught Jesse's gaze locking my eyes with his, and my heart dropped in my chest. I wanted all of this to be over with already. They told us we had to walk the stage to receive our diplomas. It was then they made us stand-up and walk slowly out of the auditorium. Where we had to stand in line again, girls on one side and boys on the other. At least he wasn't watching me. When I go outside after picking up my diploma, I find my family. We take pictures together. I noticed again Jesse and Ruben in the distance watching me closely. I tried to ignore it; what were they going to do with me surrounded on all sides by my family and friends? Before we could head home, we all had to turn in our robes. After I had taken mine off, I stood in yet another line to hand mine in. I hear my name being called out by a deep voice and glance around to find the source. I see Jesse walking in my direction. I quickly toss my robe in the bin, find my name on the list and cross it off, and walk away as quickly as I could back towards my family. Walking towards my mother's car, I spot him standing against his with Ruben and Curtis. I try to ignore the whistles in my direction, I mean I kind of wanted the attention from him but I wasn't quite sure how to respond to it. I flash him my middle finger high in the air as I climb into my mother's car and she drives away. That was the last time I had seen him. I flipped him off, and I didn't even care, I had nothing nice to really say to the guy. I moved in with Suri the weekend after that. I promised her I would help with her mother's illness, and she decided to take her GED rather than finish high school. I never made it to college, and I'm okay with that.
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